Many of Reliant's forms are now being created into forms on Google. Supervisors and Department signers can now approve those requests directly on the form itself. This procedure may change over time, but for now we want this consistent way to have supervisors and department signers give their E-approval.
As a supervisor or department signer, you will need to have been given permission to open and edit the form by the person who is asking for your approval. Once you receive permission to edit the form, you will log into Google using your Google Account (some exceptions may apply).
- You will need to open the Approval tab for your form, located on the bottom toolbar (see highlight below).
- Once you are on the approval tab, you will type your full name in the correct box (supervisor or department signer).
Then to make it official so that Reliant knows it is actually you who is approving this form, you will right click and select insert comment (or go up to the top and select insert, comment). You will then type in the word APPROVED and select COMMENT.
If you are using a Mac computer you may not be able to right click. You can simply click on the box where you signed your name (so it is outlined) and then go up to the INSERT tab and then select COMMENT. See highlights below.
This will then show your name that is connected to your Google Account and will be considered your official e-signature approval for this form.