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Procedure Name:Loss of Spouse or Divorce
Scope:All Staff
Revision Date:September 14, 2021
Last Review Date:June 15, 2023

Losing a spouse through a passing, divorce, or otherwise is a difficult hardship to walk through. We want to make the process as easy as possible as you walk through this difficult season. Below are some steps you'll need to take to make sure your information is updated.


Tax Settings: Adjust your W-4 at Tax Info & Forms (Link to Federal W4) as needed

If you are changing your last name, you will need to send in a new Social Security Card to payroll@reliant.org so we may update your name in our payroll system.

You may need to adjust your Release of Personal Information

Fill out a new Life Insurance Beneficiary Form to change the Beneficiary

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    1. I changed "can" to "may".  That's it. (smile)