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Throughout your time as a Reliant employee, you may find yourself asking this question: What Program Team Am I On?

We have created this page to help you identify your Program Team. If you are still unsure after reading these descriptions, reach out to the team that seems to fit you best, and we will clarify with you further.

You can also learn more about each of our Program Teams here.

Which Program Team am I on?Collegiate Program TeamUS Program Team

Residencies & Internships Program Team

International Program Team
Program Team Identifiers
  • Your church is part of the Collegiate Church Network or was recently a Great Commission Church (GCC)
  • Includes interns, residents, and long-term employees from the above churches
  • Church Planter
  • Church Planting Resident
  • Working in a US church as a long-term employee
  • Working for a Christian non-profit in the US
  • Working as an intern, resident, fellow, or apprentice
  • In an employment term for a fixed amount of time (e.g. 3 months - 2 years)
  • Working in a US location
  • Working in a non-US location
  • Working in the US but primarily serving overseas field workers and churches
Liaison Contact


 Kathy Zellinger

Email: kathy.zellinger@reliant.org

Phone: 407-502-0995

Title: Collegiate Program Liaison

Department: Collegiate Program Team


 Becca Isaak

Email: becca.isaak@reliant.org

Phone: 407-743-0076

Title: US Liaison

Department: U.S. Churches & Ministries Team


 Leanne Strickland

Email: leanne.strickland@reliant.org 

Phone: 689-206-0185

Title: Fixed Term Liaison

Department: Fixed Term


Adrienne Lansing

Email: adrienne.lansing@reliant.org

Phone: 407-801-8397

Title: International Liaison

Department: International

Program Team Emailcollegiate.program@reliant.orgus@reliant.orgfixedterm@reliant.org


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  1. Kathy Zellinger user-ca312 Carly Erskine user-0ef9a Deborah Kennedy Amber Blais Hey all! Mike and I have created this page as reference for missionaries who might be confused when filling out a form regarding what team they are on. Can you take a look and see if this explains your team and/or is helpful for our missionaries?

    1. Caleb Hayworth This looks great. My only suggestion is changing the title of the "Fixed Term" program team since that is more internal language. In our FM and on our site we refer to it as the "Residencies & Internships Program Team". It would be good to keep that consistent. You could also link the new program team landing pages as an additional resource.

  2. user-ca312

    Can you switch the wording for church planter resident to, church planting resident? Just a minor change. Thank you!

  3. user-0ef9a

    This looks great. I think it will be more helpful if my number is listed in place of Bethany's for the international team. 

     +1 407-743-1565

  4. Deborah Kennedy - Before we put this on documents and Solomon and such, I wanted to get your eyes on this. We have a lot of people who pick the wrong team, and hopefully this helps them self-select. Any thoughts?

    1. Mike Swann Caleb HayworthI think this is great, but I'm also familiar with the programs, so as we roll it out, let's keep track of any feedback from missionaries when they use this. Thanks!!

  5. This page was checked and revised for the 2023 Language Change Project on 7/5/23 -A.R.