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Standard & Procedure Name:Taking a Sabbatical 
Scope:Reliant Employees 
Revision Date:July 10, 2024
Last Review Date:July 10, 2024

Sabbaticals are an important part of the life and career of a healthy pastor or ministry worker. Having a suitable sabbatical plan can help contribute to field staff being refreshed and refocused. It can also help field staff remain in the field long-term, giving them time for refreshment and reflection regarding their ministry path.

Defining a Sabbatical

A sabbatical is an extended time of spiritual rest, renewal, rejuvenation, reflection and refocus. It is not a vacation or Paid Time Off (PTO), nor is it only continuing education.  It is a guided process where one deliberately trusts God for the outcome as they disengage from normal ministry responsibilities and leadership involvement for study, rest, renewal and evaluation of life and ministry. This can include reading books, attending seminars, studying, writing, prayer, etc.  A sabbatical has an intended purpose and plan at the outset. This plan and purpose should be agreed upon between the local church leadership or ministry and the employee. At the conclusion of the sabbatical, individuals will be expected to give an account of their sabbatical time to both their local ministry leadership and to Reliant.

Who is Eligible?

  • All career employees employed by Reliant at least 7 years
  • Have not already taken a sabbatical within the past 7 years
  • Employed 20+ hours/week for the majority of their Reliant employment
    • If employed part-time, the employee will be able to take a sabbatical at their current hours per week
  • MTD Health Status must be in good standing with your Program Team
  • If there is a substantial MTD deficit or shortfall, the Program Team Lead could withhold sabbatical approval until the MTD shortfall has been addressed
  • Exception: In the circumstance that an employee would desire a sabbatical prior to serving the full 7 years, an exception request can be submitted in writing to their local church leadership and Reliant for approval

Not an Emergency Leave

There are a variety of different types of leave you may be eligible for as an employee of Reliant. This policy is not meant to address issues related to an emergency leave or a paid or unpaid leave-of-absence. These can mistakenly be treated or referred to as "sabbaticals." These requests will be handled and processed on a case-by-case basis by the Program Team you are under.

Policy Parameters

Determining Sabbatical Length

  • After an employee has served 7 years in the field, they are eligible to receive a sabbatical.
    • The length of time for the sabbatical must be decided locally in consensus with the employee's supervisor and leadership team and may not exceed 6 months.
  • Sabbatical length and eligibility should meet both Reliant’s and the local churches standards and policies.
  • Once an employee's first sabbatical is completed, they may request another after 7 years.

Common Sabbatical Parameters

  • For full-time employees, full salary and benefits will be paid during the sabbatical

  • For part-time employees, you will be paid for the same part-time hours you were normally logging at your ministry location
  • Supervisor/Pastoral approval (board or church coach if you're a Staff Level 4 and higher)

  • Reliant approval

  • Agreed upon goals of the sabbatical time

    • Can include rest, reading, prayer, time in the Word, continuing education, etc.

  • Planning for the sabbatical should generally begin at least 3-6 months prior to its start

  • Ideally, 3 months prior to the start of a sabbatical, a written Sabbatical Proposal must be submitted beforehand to both local church leadership and Reliant for approval

  • A summary report after the sabbatical is completed will be submitted to both the local church leadership and Reliant no later than 30 days after returning from the sabbatical

  • A sabbatical should not be seen as a right or mandatory benefit that is automatically earned once every 7 years

    • If a sabbatical is not taken, it cannot build up or accrue like Paid Time Off (PTO)

Sabbatical Request Form

Sabbatical Request Form

Sabbatical Proposal should include

  • Reason for requesting the sabbatical
  • Proposed dates of the sabbatical
  • Potential benefits to the individual
  • Potential benefits to the church or ministry
  • Plan for covering job responsibilities during the sabbatical
  • Specific goals and objectives for the sabbatical (books to read, travel involved, journaling, etc.)
  • People you are supervising/coaching
  • A summary of any anticipated reimbursements related to the sabbatical
  • Proposal should ideally be submitted at least 3 months prior to beginning of the requested sabbatical
    • Reliant's approval process for proposals generally takes up to 2 weeks

Post-Sabbatical reports should include

  • Spiritual benefits gained from the sabbatical
  • Personal benefits gained from the sabbatical
  • Benefits to the local church or ministry (if applicable)
  • Summary of how well you met your goals and objectives for the sabbatical
  • Summary of how your sabbatical went from your spouse's perspective (if applicable)

Sabbatical expenses that generally are reimbursable

Sabbatical Bonus

Reliant acknowledges that sabbatical expenses can vary significantly from person-to-person, and, that a number of sabbatical expenses can easily blur the line between professional and personal costs. In order to bring simplicity and clarity to the expense recovery process, Reliant offers a Sabbatical Bonus to cover most sabbatical-related expenses. 

Reliant employees who have received approval for their sabbatical may request a Sabbatical Bonus of up to $6,000 (plus an optional 25% taxable bonus) that will be paid to the employee as an ERB. This bonus is designed to cover most sabbatical-related expenses including travel for rest/career evaluation purposes and family expenses. On rare occasion, some sabbatical expenses can be reimbursable beyond the bonus. Examples of these expenses include a conference or training that an employee has been approved to attend while on sabbatical, along with work-related coaching.

Click here to access the Sabbatical Bonus Request Form.

  • Meal per diem can be given for significant time away from the home. See Per Diem - U.S. for further details
  • Spousal and family travel, meals, or lodging expenses are now included in the Sabbatical Bonus
  • Books, conferences, study courses (Reliant Education Reimbursement Program may apply)
  • Reliant sabbatical approval is required before any expenses can be reimbursed
  • Normal reimbursement deadlines still apply while on the sabbatical

  • Please inquire with the Reimbursements Coordinator at reimbursements@reliant.org before making major purchases and plans to ensure the costs will be eligible for reimbursement

Reporting Abuse

  • Any abuse or misuse of an approved sabbatical granted by Reliant should be reported directly to the Program Team lead. This could include an employee returning to work during the time or simply treating the sabbatical like an extended paid vacation

Sabbatical Handholds

Sabbatical Handholds

  • If you're looking for more guidance and inspiration, please refer to our Sabbatical Handholds page on Solomon


 Becca Isaak

Email: becca.isaak@reliant.org

Phone: 407-743-0076

Title: US Liaison

Department: U.S. Churches & Ministries Team

 Russell Dietrich

Email: russell.dietrich@reliant.org

Phone: 407-743-0759

Title: Collegiate Sabbatical Coordinator

Department: Collegiate Program Team

Adrienne Lansing

Email: adrienne.lansing@reliant.org

Phone: 407-801-8397

Title: International Liaison

Department: International

Related pages


  1. Sarah Swann and Unknown User (christine.stitt@reliant.org) - please see my comments on the reimbursements section above

  2. Barb Seckler i added the link and also added the Sabbatical Request Form Download button as well. 

  3. Dave Meldrum-Green and Tom Mauriello, with the additional of staff 3, I believe we should re-look at this policy, and perhaps increase the sabbatical time for staff 3's.

  4. Staff Level I & Ii get 2-3 months. Pastors get 4-6 months What about Staff III getting 3-4 months?
  5. Something like that could be good, based on level of responsibility. Tom Mauriello, thoughts on that?

  6. I'm good with that.  By putting a range it also give us some flexibility based on the church or pastors request too.

  7. Tom Mauriello and Dave Meldrum-Green,

    The original said staff 2 get 1-2 months. 

    I feel like

    • Staff 2= 1-2 months
    • Staff 3 = 2-4 months
    • Pastors = 3-6 months

    Since the board approved this the first time, should we get board approval for this change? 

    1. I would feel better about obtaining Board approval on any changes like this to our Sabbatical Policy. It's a fairly important HR issue that I believe deserves direct board input. 

  8. So what did we decide for Staff Level II and III for Sabbatical leave terms?

  9. We'll approve it for now as is, then if we need to get board approval we can do that...

    The original said staff 2 get 1-2 months so in this policy I am making Staff 2 and 3 at 1-2 months. 

    Here's what I am requesting we consider...

    • Staff 2= 1-2 months
    • Staff 3 = 2-4 months
    • Pastors = 3-6 months
    1. Mark I got a notice this was changed but wanted to mention it's "ready" but not "reviewed"

      1. LOL... Mike is your co-worker... Mark is your husband (smile)

        1. Mike Swann could you please look into changing your name?  This is apparently too difficult of a concept for me to grasp.  LOL. 

  10. Dave Meldrum-Green and Barb Seckler

    Updated the months missionaries can take based off of staff level and sent you the approval loop.

  11. user-ca312

    I have adjusted this page, so that it is no longer missionary resources the missionary reaches out to, and I have updated the content on Sabbatical Request Spreadsheet so that the missionaries share it with their program team.

  12. user-ca312

    How do I move this page from ready view to published view? Mike Swann

  13. Russell Dietrich- since this page is being updated now, would it be good to change the "missionary" verbiage to "staff"?

    1. I added a couple other comments, but I will approve the page.