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Standard Name:Privacy
Scope:All Staff and Associates
Revision Date: October 14, 2022
Last Review Date:June 15, 2023

Reliant is committed to operating with Christian integrity in all we do, including the storage and use of your data and personal information.

Anonymous Data
Our application website stores anonymous information (such as IP address or internet browser type) via industry-standard Google Analytics and related tools.  This is not linked to personal information and is used to improve your website experience. 

Your Submitted Data: Application Phase
Interested candidates share some basic information about their interests and intentions. We may use this information to contact the candidate or offer help and further information. We never pass on this information to anyone for marketing purposes.

Your Submitted Data: Assessment Phases
We are especially aware that the nature of assessment for Christian ministry can include frank questions about spiritual, emotional and personal information, and we consider it confidential.

Once applicants enter the application phase, we consider this to be an application for staff employment or official volunteer (Associate). Applications are processed only by authorized representatives of Reliant in the assessment process as well as trained Reliant Assessors.

Information submitted will be shared with the identified and confirmed local supervisor(s) with a church or ministry partner.

Shared with Your Local Ministry or Church

Reliant Mission highly supports our local church and ministry partners in our shared responsibilities for staff oversight, leadership, and shepherding of an individual’s life. During the assessment process, Reliant collaborates with those in spiritual leadership over an applicant’s life and/or those who are leading ministries to which an applicant is applying to minister. These partners play an important role with Reliant in the assessment process. As a result, information submitted through this website or obtained from third-party vendors such as Checkr and International Personnel Consultants (“Applicant Information”), will be shared with Reliant ministry partners including the local supervisor(s) and/or leadership at the church or ministry with which you indicate a desire to work. Shared information may include items from the criminal background check, financial credit report, motor vehicle report, and/or your International Personnel Profile (if going to an international ministry location). By submitting an application, you authorize Reliant to make such disclosures of Applicant Information as Reliant deems necessary or useful, and you hereby release and hold harmless Reliant, its directors, officers, employees, and agents from any and all liability for any damage that may result from Reliant's disclosure or use of the Applicant Information. 

Third-Party Vendors

All credit card/ payment data submitted to Reliant is stored securely and privately in our merchant account with Authorize.net.

Checkr Background/Credit Checks
All data submitted to Reliant for background checks via the E-Authorize online platform is stored securely and privately in Reliant's account with Checkr.

International Personnel Consultants
Reliant uses International Personnel Consultants to send, receive, and evaluate the psychological tests for applicants seeking to minister long-term in an international location. IPPS provides a credentialed psychologist to administer and interpret these assessments. IPPS sends Reliant a relevant summary of information that informs our assessment process. All data submitted to IPPS is stored securely.


Reliant is theologically committed to Biblical peacemaking (Christian Conciliation). In the unlikely case that a dispute arises regarding the staff assessment process, we ask ministry applicants to commit to privately resolving the dispute with Reliant. In the unlikely case that private resolution is unattainable, we ask that you agree not to resort to civil litigation, but instead will submit the dispute to mediation, and if not successful, arbitration, under the rules of the Institute for Christian Conciliation—or an alternative that we would mutually agree to in writing.

All our Reliant staff, employed and associate, agree to reconciliation through Christian Conciliation as well. Read in detail here.

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