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Standard & Procedure Name:Moving Allowance
Scope:All Staff
Revision Date:December 6, 2022
Last Review Date:May 5, 2023

Reliant employees often move into new missional locations for the purpose of the gospel. Examples of this would be moving for a church plant, a role at a different church, or a new ministry being set up in a new location. Though these moving costs are no longer considered a tax-free reimbursement, Reliant supports new works and roles such as these through a taxable moving allowance. 

Full-Time 40 and 30 hour/week employees are eligible for the full moving allowance. Part Time 25 and 20 hour employees are eligible for a partial allowance. Hourly field workers are not eligible for the moving allowance.

(Please note: As you are working on the moving allowance, please also make sure you are filling out the Employment Changes and talking with your Program Team about your move.)

The goal of the allowance is not to cover all of the below expenses, but it is to help defray the cost for our employees. It is up to the field worker whether they take the entire allowance they are eligible for and how they use the allowance. Because this is a taxable allowance, we will not ask for a tracking of expenses for this allowance.

Examples of expenses that may be incurred during this time include:

  • House hunting
  • Transportation of household goods
  • Shipment/transfer of cars
  • Sale of current residence
  • Rental/lease cancellation
  • Temporary living
  • Closing costs on destination residence
  • Storage of household goods
  • En route/final move expenses

Moving allowance parameters:

An employee is eligible for up to an $8,000 moving allowance ($4,000 if Part Time 25 or 20) if the employee...

    • Is moving to a missional location in a new state or moving more than 250 miles within the state
    • Is intending to live in the new location for more than one year
    • Will be working Full-Time 40 or 30, 25, or 20 hours/week in the new location at least 40 of the next 52 weeks

An employee is eligible for up to a $6,000 moving allowance ($3,000 if Part Time 25 or 20) if the employee...

    • Is moving within state to a new missional location that is within the same state and more than 50 miles away
    • Is intending to live in the new location for more than one year
    • Will be working Full-Time 40 or 30, 25 or 20 hours/week in the new location at least 40 of the next 52 weeks

An employee is NOT eligible for a moving allowance if the employee...

    • Is staying at the same missional location
    • Is moving less than 50 miles
    • Is moving for MTD purposes
    • Will not be working for Reliant in the new location at least 40 of the next 52 weeks
    • Will be exiting staff within the next 12 months
    • Is an hourly employee
    • Has a spouse that has already requested a moving allowance for the same move
    • Is an Associate employee

How to request a moving allowance:

Moving Allowance Request Form


  1. Barb Seckleruser-1a794Kerry HousleyDave Meldrum-GreenTom Mauriellouser-abbc8

    Here is my first take at a moving bonus. I thought about $5000 for less than 50 miles if it is a new missional location (Think University of Michigan to Eastern Michigan University). However this would cause a lot of confusion. I expect we will get special requests for that, but that way we can take any requests case by case to see "Are you just moving?" vs. "Moving for mission to a new location."

  2. user-1a794

    Comments form me and from manager's meeting: 

    • This should be going to MR not to Payrolll ... base
    • We need wording that indicates: this is intended for actual expenses, and a budget is required. 
    • This is available to FTE (30 hours or more). 
    • For the $15k amount, more documentaation
    • Standard bonus approval structure applies. 
  3. I have made a few changes up above based on Management feedback. For the approval process, I figured we would create a Google Doc that lists expenses, similar to the Parsonage Form. 

    How does that sound?

  4. Mike Swann, add this may not cover all expenses...

    Perhaps add "this does not change a missionary change notification forms"

    Supervisor approval

  5. Already have a PT 25/20 exception request.

    Want to do half for the PT 25/20?

  6. user-1a794

    MR@reliant.org  - not the longer word with a period in the middle.  Thus requests the wise data processors on our team. 

  7. Barb Seckler and user-2ce9f

    I think this page belongs here, but you probably want to put a link to it from the reimbursements section as well, so if people search for it as a reimbursement it takes them here instead.

  8. Barb Seckler

    Should we make it part of our normal process that you guys send an auto email when we get one of these bonus requests that tells them about the tax increase they'll get on the bonus and what to do about that? Or maybe we should link the page about it here?

  9. Mike Swann Matt Elkins Joshua Dull Barb Seckler and anyone else who needs to see this: There are some nuances for Fixed Term moving bonuses that I'd like to have documented on Solomon. What do you all think would be the best way to document those - on this same page with disclaimers? On a separate page? Please let me know. Thank you! 

    1. I would suggest a yellow info box header on this page for fixed term employees saying this page is primarily for on-going Domestic and International missionaries etc.

  10. user-ca312

    Mike Swann - Since we are moving away from the MR inbox, should the instructions for this form say share with your appropriate program liaison? 

  11. Caleb Hayworth, can you edit this page to say your Program Team whenever it says Missionary Resources, and change the form that is linked to this page to include the US, Collegiate, and Fixed Term Program Teams. (International has their own bonuses.)

    user-1a794 or user-075f6, can you confirm you don't need Internaional@reliant.org on this moving bonus?

    1. user-1a794

      Mike Swann - International DOES USE this moving bonus form. Please include International. 

    2. Mike Swann are you wanting me to add a field (choose your program or something) to the Moving Bonus Request Form or something else with the form?

  12. I think that might confuse missionaries since they are supposed to physically share it with their program team. You could just change the language at the bottom of the page on that Google Sheet that says something about clicking share and sharing with your program team, and then list the program team email addresses.

  13. user-ca312

    Mike Swann - Can we add the Program Team e-mail addresses? Just had a missionary fill out the moving bonus, but did not know which e-mail to share the form to. Luckily I had been in communication with him, so I was able to instruct.

    1. user-ca312 the email addresses are on the form itself. Maybe we should add the liaison on the form ex. US (CJ & Grace)

      You could also add the program Team "cards" at the bottom of the page.

      1. user-ca312

        That's right we had this discussion. Palm to face moment. hahaha.