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Toolbox is a website many use daily to track MTD progress. The main uses of Toolbox for a ministry worker are:

  1. Viewing announcements and news from Reliant Central in the Home Section
  2. MTD Reporting for access to your current progress and donor information
  3. MTD Activity for a place to track MTD activity and create MTD goals
  4. Viewing monthly account statements under the Financials section
  5. Check the progress of Reimbursements  from submission to payout
  6. Manage your current Support Goal and create a new one

If you have questions about Toolbox, communicate with your Reliant Liaison. They can connect you to the right person to answer any question. 

Home Section
Home SectionHow to UseVisual

This is a place to see all the news and announcements that Reliant has made, most recently.

AnnouncementsHere is a list of announcements made in the past in case you might have missed something or have further questions

NewsThis is a great list to help see deadlines for New Staff Training or particular employment information.

MTD Reporting
MTD ReportingHow to UseVisual
DashboardThis is where more employees most often visit Toolbox.  See the table below for more details about each section!

Received Gifts

This section is where you can see all the gifts that have come into the account you are responsible for. Using the filters found on this page, you can view which donors have given by debit card, credit card, or check (or if you want to see all received gifts, select all). 

You can also filter by gift type (recurring or one-time)

Lastly, you can set parameters if you'd like to see the gifts received within a certain time frame. 

Promised Gifts

This section allows you to see all the promised gifts that have been set up. There are a few different ways you can filter these gifts:

Promise status:

  • All - View all promised giving
  • Active - View promised giving that is currently active
  • Suspended - View promised giving that is currently on hold due to the last month's gift not being actualized (usually a credit card issue)
  • Ended- View promised gifts that have been terminated or canceled.


In this section, ministry workers are able to view their donors as well as their donor information and history of giving. 

The donors can be filtered by active, suspended, and ended. As a reminder:

Donor status:

  • All - View all donors
  • Active - View all donors that are currently giving
  • Suspended - View donors who have suspended gifts 
  • Ended- View donors who have ended their giving or whose giving had an end date so their giving was completed. 

Donor History

  • Find the donor you are looking for, or you can use the search bar on the left
    • NOTE: you can select Active, Suspended (Non-Current), or Ended status!
  • Once you have located that donor, you can select the arrow by their name to see some historical data.
  • For a more details for that donor, click on the date of the last recurring gift
    • This will open up a new browser window that contains all the giving from that donor
    • NOTE: you can filter this list by date, payment, or gift type 

New Promise Gift Form

This form allows you to notify gift services when someone has verbally committed to giving a certain amount through a certain time frame but isn't able or willing to go through our recurring gift structure. Sometimes this can look like a check donor committing to give $25 a month, or this can look like a donor committing to give a large gift of $2,000 every July.

Regardless of the situation, this form can notify gift services that this is the plan, and we can make that change in the background once the first gift is received to allow it to show up in your ongoing percentage.

The page itself has clear instructions on how to submit this form, so if you find yourself in this situation, head to that section of Toolbox and fill out the form. 

Datasync File

The Datasync file is a downloadable file that contains all your historical data. This can be used to upload content to your database for ongoing progress. Here is a Solomon page that explains how you can use this datasync file with your preferred database.

MTD Dashboard Sections

 Let's walk through some of the terminology in the MTD Dashboard...

MTD Dashboard Sections

Personal Information

This section will provide some basic information about you as a ministry worker. If you are an intern/resident, your personal information dashboard will have these sections:

  • Fund Number: The number Reliant uses to associate a person with their account

  • Ministry Assignment: The church a ministry worker works with

  • Program: The specific program the church offers

  • Employment Status: Status with Reliant (Associate = Volunteer until hired)

  • MTD Status: Initial = in full-time MTD; Sustaining= working in assignment

If you are a career ministry worker, your personal dashboard will have these sections:

  • Fund Number: The number Reliant uses to associate a person with their account

  • Ministry Assignment: The church a ministry worker works with

  • Employment Status: Status with Reliant (Associate = Volunteer until hired)

  • MTD Status: Initial = in full-time MTD; Sustaining= working in assignment

  • Release Date: The date on which you were fully funded and released to the ministry assignment
  • Training Date: The date you attended a Reliant training


This section will give a great overview of your MTD journey. If you are a resident/intern, here is how your fundraising section will look:

  • Start Date: The date the ministry assignment is due to begin

  • Time Left: How much time is left until the release date

  • Goal: Current active goal 

  • Amount Received: Total amount of funds received (includes single gifts and any promised gifts that have been actualized)

  • Amount Promised: Total amount of gifts that are scheduled to be given in the future

  • Amount Remaining: Total amount of funds left to raise to reach 100% funded

  • Suspended Promised: Any gift that has been put on hold due to the funds not being received (often a credit card issue)

If you are a long-term ministry worker, here is how your fundraising section will look:

  • Goal: Current active goal 

  • Monthly Promises: Total monthly amount of recurring gifts

  • Not Current: Total monthly amount of promises (recurring gifts) that are non-current. This includes any frequency of recurring giving broken down monthly (ex: if someone gives $1,200 annually, it will show up as $100/month).

  • Suspended Promised: Any gift that has been put on hold due to the funds not being received (often a credit card issue)

Current Month

This section lays out the giving that has happened in the current month. These numbers can change day to day as new donors sign up to give. 

  • New Donors: T he number of donors whose first gift given falls in the current month
  • New Promised Gifts: Total amount of the gifts those donors are giving

  • Promised Gifts Received: The amount of funds that have come in from promised giving so far this current month

  • Promised Gifts Remaining: Any promised giving that is expected to come in later this month

  • Promised Gifts Total: Total amount of funds expected to come in throughout this month

  • Single Gifts Received: Amount of single gifts received in this current month

  • Projected Total: Total amount projected to come in from promised and single gifts

Monthly Summary

Once a month ends, Toolbox will calculate a summary of the numbers that were given during the Current Month section. This allows ministry workers to see their progress month to month instead of just daily in real time. It can be very helpful to use this section to ensure your progress is moving at the pace you expect. 

Account Balance History

This section gives an overview of your account balance and backpay from the past six months.  Backpay is tracked for current year short checks plus the previous two years - so if ever you get shorted, you have almost three years to raise funds; it goes by three calendar years. When we pay backpay out, we pay the oldest first because that will be the first to "expire."

MTD Weekly ActivityThis section is where any MTD activity that is entered into the MTD activity section on Toolbox (found under MTD Reporting) will appear. Fundraising coaches can use this section to find patterns and help field workers see what works well for them and what things they can change to improve progress. It also helps to calculate your 4-week average of each activity to compare it to the goals you and your coach set up. 

MTD Activity
MTD ActivityHow to UseVisual

Ministry workers can use this section to see a summary of their daily and weekly activities during the MTD process. Here are the definitions of the different sections:

  • Initial Connection attempts by call - any attempt to make an initial communication by phone
  • Connection attempts by text - any attempt to make an initial communication by text (this can be SMS, email, Facebook message, etc.)
  • Responses - when anyone responds to an initial communication (only count one response per person, not multiple texts)
  • Appointments set up - number of appointments set up in a given day
  • Appointments kept - number of appointments kept in a given day
  • MTD Letters Sent - number of support letters sent out in a given day (if support letters are part of your MTD strategy)
  • Connection attempts for decision - any attempt to connect with a donor about decisions on hold
  • Decision responses - a record of the decisions made by donors in a given day
  • New recurring-gift partners - number of new recurring partners added
  • New recurring gifts - dollar amount (by month) of new recurring gifts
  • New single gift partners - number of new single gift donors added
  • New single gifts - dollar amount (total) of new single gifts
  • New names gained - new connections given by donors
  • People left for initial connection - total number of names left on connection list to contact
  • Decisions on hold remaining - how many people are still considering (yes, or maybes) to give
  • Active hours worked - any MTD work that involves direct contact with donors (phone calls, appointments, call back for decisions, etc.)
  • Passive hours worked - any MTD work that does not involve direct donor contact (working on your presentation, writing MTD letters, working on prayer updates, etc).

Entry FormThis is where you will input your daily activity from the listed sections. The best practice is to log on and do an entry every day to track real patterns, but the minimum requirement is to fill this out once a week. Your coach will be using this information to help build goals for later MTD weeks. 


This last section is where you (the ministry worker) and your MTD coach and/or supervisor can think through 3 weeks ahead and create goals to work toward. These goals will appear on the MTD summary section of your dashboard so you can see how your goals compare to your real-time numbers. 



How to UseVisual
DashboardThis section of Toolbox is focussed on Employee information, with the Dashboard being an informational summary.  See the table below for more details about each section!

BenefitsThe Benefits section provides information regarding your current insurance and cafeteria-plan selections.

Direct Deposit

The Direct Deposit Tool allows you to select and update the bank account(s) used for payment for payroll and reimbursement direct deposits.

The Direct Deposit Tool will not allow you to make any edits if Payroll or Reimbursement batches are currently being processed. The ability to make changes to bank account information will be blocked until after those payments have been completed in our system. 

  • The Tool starts with a summary view of an employee's existing direct deposit information
  • The EDIT view allows for individual bank accounts as line items for separating an employee's net pay amount
  • Choose the Nickname for the account which will be what is printed on the Pay Stub distribution
  • Each line item has an amount type which can be a fixed amount or a percentage of the gross paycheck
  • The final line will always be the "remaining balance"

It will ask you to check that you have read and agreed to the terms and conditions before it allows you to select SAVE. You must select SAVE in order for your changes to be updated in our system. 

See Direct Deposit for more detailed instructions.

FinancialsHow to UseVisual
Account Statement

This section of toolbox allows ministry workers to see their monthly account statements. Below is what is included:

  • Giving & Fees - Includes all giving from the previous month as well as the fees pulled from the giving, such as admin
  • Payroll Expenses - This can include wages, salaries, parsonage, subsidies, medical insurance, 401k, and FICA.
  • Total Expenses and Transfers - Any transfers directly into the account from another Reliant account. 
  • Net Change - This shows the change in the account balance between payroll and giving

It will also include Account Balance and Advances

  • Balance -  Shows the beginning of the month balance minus the net change to show the final account balance for the month
  • Advances -  Shows the list of advances from that month



How to UseVisual

In this section, you'll find your most recent reimbursements, deadlines, and which month's expenses are currently reimbursable. If you click the  symbol next to "current month," you can select a past month and year to see deadlines for reimbursements. There is also a link to the Expense Submission Forms and Reimbursement Policies.

Reimbursements for married couples are submitted under individual employee names even though you share a fund number and the same balance. You will need to be logged in as the spouse that has the reimbursement submitted under their name to see the reimbursement information. 


Here you'll find a more detailed list of your reimbursements. There is also a filter for the fund charged, category, month covered, and various statuses. Clicking on a specific reimbursement will give you details on that reimbursement.

Support Goals
Support GoalsHow to UseVisual

Support Goal

In this section, you'll be able to see your current goal, or if you don't have one yet, create a new goal. You can also create a new goal at any time if something in your program has changed. These goals will need to be approved by the Reliant Central Team, so be sure to communicate with your Liaison when you make changes for things to be approved promptly. 

If you have already created a support goal in Toolbox, you will see your support goal with details.

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