Q: A donor has asked if Reliant can accept stock donations. Is this possible?
A: Yes! Giving a donation stock can be of great benefit to a donor.
- You can provide donors considering this option with this general tax information.
- Donors should seek counsel from a trusted tax advisor on how they can maximize the benefits of giving stock.
Q: A donor wants to give by donating stock. What do I do?
A: First, remember to thank them!
- You can give donors this general information on how to donate stock to Reliant. It includes Reliant's investment information which the donor will need to complete the transaction.
- If you hear from a donor who would like to give stock, you can alert us at gift.services@reliant.org so we can know to expect the stock. Oftentimes we receive stock with no information about who it is from or who is the intended missionary. Hearing from you would help ensure the gift is credited properly.
Q: A donor has told me they gave a stock donation but has not received confirmation from Reliant. What do I do?
A: It is very likely that Reliant received the stock donation without ever hearing from the donor and so we were unable to connect the gift with the correct donor.
- Encourage the donor to reach out to us at gift.services@reliant.org so we can ensure the gift is credited properly.
- You may also reach out to us at any time to inquire about a stock gift issue.
Q: A donor has told me they gave a stock donation but I have not seen it appear in Toolbox. What do I do?
A: It is very likely that Reliant received the stock donation without ever hearing from the donor and so we were unable to connect the gift with the correct intended missionary.
- Send us an email at gift.services@reliant.org so we can start researching this for you.
- If needed, you may need to also encourage the donor to reach out to us to ensure we receive the documentation we need to properly credit the gift.