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The following is a general guide to navigate the handling of an honorarium received when a Reliant employee performs a wedding, funeral, or speaks at a church or ministry event.  

  • If the Reliant employee fills out a W9 and receives a 1099 for the honorarium, they can accept the additional funds and file that 1099 along with their taxes. In this scenario, the Reliant employee is personally responsible for any taxes owed for that honorarium.   
  • Reliant Employees have two options for honorariums in which no 1099 is received:
    1. If the work was done in connection with their Reliant role and within their scheduled Reliant work time, they should have the honorarium paid in the form of a check sent to Reliant.  The funds will then be added as revenue into the MTD account for which the missionary is responsible and assessed the normal Reliant admin fee. (Cash gifts can also be sent to Reliant - See Cash Gift FAQ)
    2.  If the work was done outside of the Reliant missionary's Reliant role and scheduled Reliant work time, they can keep the funds personally; however, they are responsible for tracking and reporting that money as income earned on their annual tax filing. 

Reimbursement Scenario

Suppose the Reliant employee plans to reimburse expenses related to the event or service for which they received an honorarium. In that case, that honorarium should be made payable to Reliant and sent in for deposit into the MTD account.

What if the employee filled out a W9 and the employee plans to reimburse expenses related to the event or service for which they received an honorarium?  In that case, that honorarium should be made payable to Reliant and sent in for deposit into the MTD account. By asking for the funds to be sent to Reliant, the W9 will be void and the employee should not receive a 1099. If the employee stills receives a 1099, that is an error and they can contact the issuing organization to void the 1099.

Example of this reimbursement scenario - A Reliant employee performed a wedding and reimbursed associated travel costs for performing that wedding through the MTD account he/she is responsible for with Reliant.  The Reliant employee received $300 for their services performing the wedding.  Since they reimbursed expenses for this ministry event using the MTD account, the $300 should be made payable to Reliant and turned in as a gift to the MTD account. 

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