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Each week during initial MTD (or active MTD), you will be required to submit an MTD Entry Form to Reliant. Entry Forms communicate MTD progress and aid the coaching process for the staff member engaging in support-raising activities. 


Entry Form Definitions

Activity Date:Use mm/dd/yy, i.e., 01/04/15

Write in what actually happened this past week. Use your Weekly MTD Chart to help keep accurate records.


These should be obtainable and realistic. They should reflect your desire in each area per week. These will be the numbers that coaches will hold you accountable to.

Initial Contacts

This category is for the sole purpose of recording activity related to securing an opportunity to share your vision and calling.

Connection Attempts:This is any time you make an attempt to connect with someone with the goal of setting up an opportunity to share your vision and calling. Depending on your MTD strategy, your goal may include setting up a face-to-face appointment, phone or web appointment or sending a ministry letter with a follow-up call. Your attempts may be made through phone calls, emails or other messaging means. This does not include mass messaging. This would include all attempts despite any response you receive.
Responses:Who responded to your connection attempt, whether positively or negatively? They may respond via phone, email, text or other messaging means, but did you hear from them? Do not include messages left with babysitters, secretaries, children, etc.
Appointment set up:Any and all appointments scheduled this week. Appointments include opportunities to make a financial ask and/or names ask. Appointments may include face-to-face, phone calls or web conferencing. Also include any requests for ministry information to be sent on account of a phone-letter-phone strategy.
Appointments kept:Any and all appointments you had during this reporting week. An appointment includes an opportunity to make a financial ask and/or names ask. Appointments may include face-to-face, phone calls or web conferencing. Include phone calls made to get a decision from the people who received ministry information by mail.
Appointments (rescheduled):Any appointments you or a potential partner rescheduled.
Appointments (canceled):Any appointments that were not kept and not rescheduled. Note reason on the bottom of the Weekly MTD Report.
Support letters sent out:Any letter sent for which a ministry and financial presentation are being made. Ask yourself, "If I were never to call them, would they know about Reliant, my role in Reliant, and that I am asking them to financially support Reliant?"

Follow-up Contacts:

This category is for recording any contact made, whether on the phone or in person, in order to get a decision regarding financial support or additional names, regardless of how may contacts with one individual it takes.
Follow-up phone calls:Any phone call or in-person contact made for securing a decision regarding financial support or additional names.
Decisions on hold (<2wks):Any decision regarding financial support, where it has been requested for you to get back within two weeks.
Future contact (>2wks):Any decision regarding financial support, where it has been requested for you to get back in more than two weeks.
New names gained:Any new potential people you can contact for financial support who don't already exist in your files.


This category is used to record your weekly activity in financial support and Reliant ministry partners.
New ministry partners:Count one each for any person or organization who has made a written or verbal recurring financial commitment to Reliant this week. Do not include someone unless they have committed to a specific amount and frequency and a beginning date.
New monthly recurring gifts:Insert the dollar amount of any verbal or written commitment for financial support this week. Break each gift into a monthly amount, i.e. if annual, divide by twelve. (A $1,000 annual gift/12 months = $83.33 in monthly support)
New special gift partners:Count one each for any person or organization who has made a written or verbal financial commitment to Reliant this week. Do not include someone as a partner unless they have committed to a specific amount and a giving date.
New special gifts:Insert the dollar amount for any verbal or written commitment for a special gift this week.


Total people:Insert the number of people whom you have not given your initial presentation. Make sure to include all new additional names that you have not yet contacted. Delete anyone who has heard an initial presentation in person or by letter or has indicated that they do not want to hear your presentation.
Active hours worked:This is any time worked in direct contact (in person or on the phone) with a potential partner for the purpose of raising initial support, getting a decision, gaining additional names or upgrading. The question to ask is: "What time have I spent face-to-face or voice-to-voice giving or working toward a presentation?"
Passive hours worked;This is any time spent on MTD that does not qualify as active hours worked (i.e.: travel to appointment, newsletter writing, thank you notes, ministry team letter writing and mailing, errands for copies, supplies and mailings, file management, planning, coaching appointments, large portions of social events with no clear presentation, cultivating potential and current partners, etc.)
Other (PTO, holidays):Include the total hours for vacation, sick leave, bereavement, holiday, approved conferences, etc. incurred during this week.

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  1. I know MTD timecards are getting an overhaul, but FOR NOW we're still using the same system. (smile)

    May I please recommend the following updates/ changes to the items above? *I didn't want to edit the live page...

    Connection Attempts:

    This is any time you make an attempt to connect with someone with the goal of setting up an opportunity to share your vision and calling. This would include all attempts despite any response you receive. Connection attempts include: phone, text, email, social media message, carrier pigeon, etc

    Appointment set up:

    Appointments that you booked; these can be for any date (now or in the future). An appointments is a time set aside specifically to share the vision/mission of your ministry and present all 4 ways they can help: prayer, volunteer, financially, connecting you with others. Appointments may include face-to-face, phone calls or web conferencing.

    Appointments kept:

    Appointments that you attended this week.  and all appointments you had during this reporting week. An appointments is a time set aside specifically to share the vision/mission of your ministry and present all 4 ways they can help: prayer, volunteer, financially, connecting you with others. Appointments may include face-to-face, phone calls or web conferencing.

    Follow-up phone calls:

    Any phone call or in-person contact made for securing a decision regarding financial support or additional names.

    Decisions on hold (<2wks):

    Any decision regarding financial support, where it has been requested for you to get back within two weeks.

    Future contact (>2wks):

    Any decision regarding financial support, where it has been requested for you to get back in more than two weeks. i.e. “Call me in a month.” Or “Get back in touch with me at the start of the new year.”

    New names gained:


    Contacts given to you by another person.

    New special needs partners:

    The number of people who have given a special, or one-time, gift.

    New special needs gifts:

    Insert the dollar amount for any special, or one-time, gifts this week.

    Total people:

    The number of people whom you have not yet given your initial presentation. Make sure to include all new additional names that you have not yet contacted. Delete anyone who has heard an initial presentation in person or by letter or has indicated that they do not want to hear your presentation.

    Active hours worked:

    This is any time worked in direct contact (in person, on the phone, or through a text conversation) with a potential partner for the purpose of raising initial support, getting a decision, gaining additional names or increasing their giving. The question to ask is: "What time have I spent in actual conversations with people with the main topic of asking them to join my support team? "

    Passive hours worked;

    This is any time spent on MTD that does not qualify as active hours worked (i.e.: travel to appointment, newsletter writing, thank you notes, ministry team letter writing and mailing, errands for copies, supplies and mailings, file management, planning, coaching appointments, large portions of social events with no clear presentation, cultivating potential and current partners, etc.)

    Other (PTO, holidays):

    Include the total hours for vacation, sick leave, bereavement, holiday, approved conferences, etc. incurred during this week.
    *The hours for Active, passive and Other should add up to the number of hours you’re employed. (Example: If you’re Full-time, then this should add up to 40 hours. If Reliant has you on payroll for part time work (PT20), then the three blocks should add up to 20.

  2. Hey Keva Ambre, With user-1a794 on vacation, I'll leave this for her to comment on when she returns.

    Thanks for putting thought into them!