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Level 1: Level 1 is considered the US normal, and as a standard of practice, should not apply to individuals and teams serving internationally. 

Level 2: International normal readiness level. Standard overseas threat level. Level 2 situations are taken care of locally by the field team

Level 3: Local Field Team manages the situation, but the team informs Reliant's International Crisis Manager by reporting the international incident so that Reliant can evaluate the situation. Typically at this level, the incident is localized and on a smaller scale. Reliant would not know of the incident without the field team informing us. Reliant would like to hear that "we are fine" and be available to help evaluate the situation and provide assistance if needed. 

Level 4:  Local Field Team still mostly manages the situation. As soon as possible, the team informs Reliant's International Crisis Manager by reporting the international incident and Reliant's ICMT is now actively involved in the decision-making and helping the field team directly. 

Level 5: Management of the crisis is now beyond the capacity of the local field team to manage independently. Reliant's International Crisis Management Team or its pre-approved delegate is now managing the situation until the Local Field Team returns to a position to do so themselves. This is a major crisis resulting in ongoing disruption to field operations or the threat now inhibits the ability of the team to safely continue. 

Specific Readiness Level To Determine Next Steps

Level 5Level 4Level 3Level 2

Team leader or all team members must leave the country

Individual team members must leave the country

Prepare: Evacuation Imminent

International Crisis Evacuation Assistance

Heightened risk of evacuation, visa, or business-related exits or deportation.

Review all Evacuation Preparedness Plans to decide if evacuation routes, etc. are up to date.

Review the recommended individual stay-go assessment to determine next steps

Field leaders will follow the safety and well-being priorities for removal from a crisis situation as outlined on the International Risk Priorities 

Standard overseas operating levels and risks

Evacuation Trigger Points for Action

Reliant will never say that the international worker has to stay at a location. Team members may always elect to leave at any time for any reason. See Self-Evacuation

IfThen the ICMT is convened and the following are strongly recommended. 

The US State Department advises non-essential personnel to leave

Contingency Planning: Evacuation and Orderly Relocation

Non-essential Evacuate

  • Event Participants Evacuate
  • Short-Term Staff Evacuate
  • The field leader and ICMT decide if any follow-up action for long-term staff is needed

The US State Department advises essential personnel to leave

Contingency Planning: Evacuation and Orderly Relocation

All Personnel Evacuate

  • Evacuation is required
  • 10-14 days before re-evaluation for re-entry

Local partners request or recommend personnel to leave

Contingency Planning: Evacuation and Orderly Relocation

Field leaders inform Reliant of the partner request and either leave immediately or request to meet with the ICMT to decide the course of action.
Lack of essential commodities (based on shelter-in-place supplies expenditure)Inform Reliant and ICMT will meet with the team leader to determine next steps.

Natural Disaster 

Contingency Planning: Natural Disaster Tsunami

Contingency Planning: Natural Disaster Typhoon

Contingency Planning: Natural Disaster Earthquake

Inform Reliant and ICMT will meet with the team leader to determine next steps.

Increased criminal threat

Contingency Planning: Crime

Inform Reliant and ICMT will meet with the team leader to determine next steps. 

Local government/police instruct personnel to leave 

Contingency Planning: Evacuation and Orderly Relocation

Field leaders inform Reliant of the government's request and either leave immediately or request to meet with the ICMT to decide the course of action. The Field Leader and ICMT decide whether all personnel evacuates or only the specific offenders.

A staff member is kidnapped

Contingency Planning: Kidnappings

Inform Reliant. Immediate family and non-essential personnel evacuate.

An act of terror in your area of operation not directed toward staff

Contingency Planning: Terrorist Attack Bombing

Contingency Planning: Terrorist Attack Active Shooter

Shelter-in-place, Inform Reliant. ICMT convenes to evaluate: Proximity, Target, and Actors.

An act of violent crime directed toward staff or ministry partners

Contingency Planning: Crime

Triage, then inform Reliant. ICMT will determine response.

An act of terror directed toward staff or ministry partners

Contingency Planning: Terrorist Attack Bombing

Contingency Planning: Terrorist Attack Active Shooter

Triage, then inform Reliant. Non-essential and essential staff evacuate.

Accidental death of staff

Contingency Planning: Accidental Death or Suicide

Inform Reliant. The ICMT will determine response.
Murder of a staff memberShelter-in-place (or safe haven), inform Reliant and the ICMT will determine response.
This organization detects overt, hostile surveillance from local policeShelter-in-place, inform Reliant while the ICMT determines the response. 
This organization detects overt, hostile surveillance, not from local policeShelter-in-place, inform Reliant while the ICMT determines the response. Notify the US embassy and consider notifying the local police. 
Staff are victims of a criminal break-inNotify local police and shelter-in-place, inform Reliant while the ICMT determines the response.

Local government detains a staff member

Contingency Planning: Imprisonment or Detention of Personnel

The detained staff member asks to speak to US embassy. Inform Reliant, the ICMT will determine response. 

A terror threat moves from general to a category including staff

Contingency Planning: Terrorist Attack Bombing

Contingency Planning: Terrorist Attack Active Shooter

The Field Leader decides whether to evacuate immediately or remain. Inform Reliant, the ICMT will determine further response.

Violent political riots in the vicinity

Contingency Planning: Political Coup

Shelter-in-Place and be prepared for evacuation. Inform Reliant and ICMT will determine further response.

Steps to Reduce Probability and Consequences

  1. Create sustainable business practices, timelines, and Evacuation practices
  2. Keep up to date with latest news in the region -Helpful International Risk Management Resources
  3. Maintain awareness of visa processes and adjust accordingly
  4. Maintain awareness of government surveillance and keep in close contact with team leader
  5. Maintain security policies and practices

Applicable Corporate Policies

Crisis Resolution Protocol

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1 Comment

  1. Sarah Swann, this page looks GREAT and is ready to go. Thank you for you work on this.