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Evacuations can be taxing and emotionally charged events. Therefore, prior preparation is key to a successful evacuation. We recognize that planning for various evacuation timeframes and contingencies in case a chosen route is unavailable can have a significant impact on the well-being of our staff. We also know from experience that communicating plans and expectations before an evacuation allows all parties, both local and global, to track actions more effectively and anticipate needs more accurately.

All evacuation plans should be adjustable based on the amount of urgency required.  Plans should include different procedures for evacuations that are given 1 hour, 24 hours, and 10 days of advanced notice.

Each location must prepare a Team Evacuation Plan detailing evacuation criteria, routes, and destinations. The plan should be kept electronically and physically with the local team leaders and be accessible to both the ICMT and the field team. Each of these plans should be reviewed by field leadership and the Reliant ICMT at least every year.

Evacuation plans should include at least three different detailed options to travel outside of the risk area with varying routes, destinations, and modes of transportation.  For example, two options may include planes to different cities, but a third must include another form of transportation such as a boat or train.  They should also outline the communication protocols for initiating the evacuation as well as periodic check-ins at strategic times.

Each family should have a copy of the team evacuation plan and customize it as necessary to fit their own personal situation. See Self-Evacuation.  For example, some families may need to plan to pick up children from school or use larger forms of transportation, while others can travel in a single taxi.

Begin the Evacuation Imminent procedures and Contingency Planning: Evacuation and Orderly Relocation plans.

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