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Each international team and individual will be asked to submit a crisis management plan which consists of multiple requirements listed below that will be unique to the risks determined by Reliant for the international location. 

Reliant is using Google Drive folders for international teams to collect much of the information for your plan below in a secure way that is online and can be easily edited at any time by both you and Reliant. Reliant will create a folder for your team in Google Drive that we will share with all members of your team. Reliant will send you a link to the Google Drive team folders before you begin to gather information for your Crisis Management Plans. Many of the items needed for the Crisis Management Plans will be collected and updated within these folders. 

Team crisis management plan will include:

One Time

  • Team Crisis Training appropriate for your location attended by team members
  • Create a text group for security/crisis communication for the team and add Matt Mott to the group. (What'sApp or Signal are the preferred/recommended standard apps for a text group. Other equivalent app options can be requested by the local team leader and will need Reliant pre-approval.)

Re-evaluated/updated each year by all team members:

An individual crisis management plan will include: 

One Time: 

Re-evaluated/updated each year:

  • No labels

1 Comment

  1. Sarah Swann, this looks good to me. Let's add this as a discussion point for the ICMT so we can agree on next steps for implementation