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Shelter in Place

For Basic Threat Level location: Reliant expects that all team members have and identify a location to shelter in place (planning for situations such as natural disasters and local risks) when needed to use on their own or as a family. The location does not need to be reported to Reliant Central. 

For Moderate Threat Level Location: Reliant requires that all team members have and identify a location to shelter in place (planning for situations such as natural disasters and local risks) when needed to use on their own or as a family. It is required that there also be a team shelter in place location (based on teams assessed risks) that is identified and known by all team members. It is required that Reliant Central be made aware of the team shelter in place location. 

For High Threat Level Locations: Reliant requires that all team members have and identify a location to shelter in place (planning for situations such as natural disasters and local risks) when needed to use on their own or as a family. It is required that there also be a team shelter in place location (based on teams assessed risks) that is identified and known by all team members. It is also required that Reliant Central be made aware of locations for both the individual and the team shelter in place locations.  

In certain instances, Reliant teams or team members may be advised to enact a Shelter in Place (SIP) as either a precautionary or reactionary measure to elevated risks. 

  • In the event of shelter in place, ALL team members are to be INSIDE their respective households with all exterior doors closed/locked until further notice
  • If there is a risk of airborne/chemical hazards, explosions, or smoke, then exterior windows should also be closed and locked as well as sealed with materials below*
  • It should be expected that a SIP will last 3-5 days, but can either be extended or shortened upon the discretion of the Field Leader, or if an emergency evacuation is necessary
  • The Field Leader will give instructions as soon as possible for how long the shelter in place will last and what to do after the shelter in place time expires
  • If communications lines are no longer accessible and no contact has been made with other Reliant team members after the designated time period (3 days unless otherwise stated) has elapsed, each household should proceed to the nearest place of refuge and contact the International Crisis Manager and/or Field Leader

Shelter in Place Preparation

Team members in a moderate or high-risk location must have the following on hand in a shelter in place kit/location in case a shelter in place is enacted by the Team Leader or International Crisis Manager:

  • Five days adequate food supply (canned/dry goods, WISE, protein bars)
  • Approximately 25-30 liters of NON-potable water per person
  • Approximately 10 liters of potable water per person
  • Water purification method (filter, life straw, iodine tabs)
  • First-aid kit/meds (anti-diarrheal, NSAIDs, antibiotics)
  • Spare/backup butane tank or fuel source
  • Butane lighter or waterproof matches
  • Solar or crank-powered battery cell with USB output/charging
  • LED flashlights or lanterns (w/ extra batteries available)
  • Duct tape*
  • 8-10 large plastic trash bags*
    • *For sealing window/door openings

The following are recommendations for a 3-5+ day shelter in place but are not required for a shelter in place preparation kit:

  • Morale boosters (board games, deck of cards, coffee, adult beverages, candy, etc.)
  • 200+ ft Para-cord; 50+ ft rope
  • Candles (not recommended for households with young children)
  • An adequate supply of diapers, baby wipes, baby food, etc
  • 1 large, durable plastic container, barrel, or cooler (to hold the contents of the SIP kit supplies)
  • No labels