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Standard & Procedure Name:Continuing Education
Scope:Reliant Employees 
Revision Date:January 19, 2023
Last Review Date:June 7, 2023


Reliant encourages our employees to grow in their knowledge, skills, and character by pursuing educational opportunities that enhance job performance and improve ministry capabilities. 

Work/Personal Time for Education

  • Employees must spend more than half their work time on their regular ministry job duties.
  • Employees and their supervisors work together to:
    • Determine how work and education hours are divided to fulfill job duties.
    • Track hours spent on education and job duties.

Education Expense Reimbursements:

  • Employees may reimburse up to $5250 per calendar year. Exceptions may apply. 
  • The calendar year limit applies to when reimbursements are paid, not when submitted or when expenses were incurred.
  • Eligible expenses include:
    • Fees: tuition, application, graduation, etc. 
    • Course books and supplies
    • Taxable reimbursement expenses, including travel, meals, and school-related health checks and immunizations
  • Reimbursements are paid based on Reliant's order of pay when funds are available in the ministry account for which the employee is responsible. 
  • Students receiving scholarships or federal aid may not reimburse for the amount from other sources. 
  • Students may only reimburse a class once, should a class need to be retaken. 
  • Associate Volunteers are not eligible for this benefit.  
  • Non-credit-based learning opportunities are reimbursed through Conferences, Retreats, and Events.

Pre-Approval Request:

We ask all employees interested in reimbursing continuing education expenses to submit a request for pre-approval to their local supervisors and their Program Teams. Pre-approval sets appropriate expectations before registering for education classes and streamlines reimbursements for education-related expenses. 


Request Pre-Approval

Complete the Continuing Education Pre-Approval Request form, which asks for a description of your intended education courses and how the education is related to your current job description. Follow the steps for sharing the form with your local supervisor and Reliant Program Team. Your Reliant Program team will follow up with you about your approval. 

Continuing Education Pre-Approval Request

Enroll in Courses

After receiving approval, enroll and pay for courses and textbooks. 

Submit Reimbursement

Complete and submit the Continuing Education Form.

Employees may wish to consult with their tax adviser regarding proper tax treatment and reporting of continuing education reimbursements. 

As soon as enough MTD funds are available, the reimbursement will be paid following the normal order of pay up to the maximum eligible amount in that year.


 Becca Isaak

Email: becca.isaak@reliant.org

Phone: 407-743-0076

Title: US Liaison

Department: U.S. Churches & Ministries Team

 Kathy Zellinger

Email: kathy.zellinger@reliant.org

Phone: 407-502-0995

Title: Collegiate Program Liaison

Department: Collegiate Program Team

 Leanne Strickland

Email: leanne.strickland@reliant.org 

Phone: 689-206-0185

Title: Fixed Term Liaison

Department: Fixed Term

Adrienne Lansing

Email: adrienne.lansing@reliant.org

Phone: 407-801-8397

Title: International Liaison

Department: International

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  1. Sarah Swann, Kathy Zellinger, user-1a794 - based on my conversation with Kathy Z today re: K. above  "This benefit is available only for those working 20 or more hours per week and at the following levels (based on the $5,250 benefit): Full-time at 100%, 30 hours/week at 75% and 20-25 hours at 50%" we need to add details that this is related to when it is paid out, not when incurred.  Possibly linking to the reimbursement manual that talks about continuing education.

  2. Kathy Zellinger- Can you share the google doc you create for the Cont. Ed approvals with Christine, Danielle and myself so we can start tracking "payments" to make sure no one is "paid" more than their annual max based on their status, when funds are available? 

  3. Barb Seckler I added a bunch of links let me know if you want me to add more. 

  4. Unknown User (ed.courtney@reliant.org) and Barb Seckler, the reimbursement form for this gives me an error when I click on it. Does MR create the form or Finances?


  5. Unknown User (christine.stitt@reliant.org), I believe this form is still trying to point to an old form we've removed. Can we set this Education form so it takes them to Google?

    1. Hi Mike Swann, this should be updated for you. The link will take the user to the Google Drive Continuing Education form, but they must be logged in with their Reliant account to view. Let me know if it works for you. Thanks! 

  6. Sarah Swann - the link to the preapproval form says email to hr@gcmweb.org - can we change that to hr@reliant.org?

  7. Mike Swann - try the link to the form now.  Unknown User (christine.stitt@reliant.org) fixed the link to the google drive form. 

  8. I think this looks nice! Your test pages are much more clear!

  9. Some Reliant partner churches may also require participation in educational activities. Reliant will reimburse eligible employees for certain expenses of approved ministry related education, subject to certain limitations and conditions established by Reliant (see Accountable Reimbursement Plan for general guidelines and policies for reimbursements), up to a maximum of $5,250 per calendar year.
    Would like to clean this language up to make it clearer
  10. Dave Meldrum-Greenuser-1a794Joshua DullTom MaurielloMatt ElkinsKerry HousleyKathy Zellinger

    We did an initial first pass on the new language for Continuing Education to implement the new process we have been talking about. We are also working on a Google request form here. 


    Main new things:

    • Missionary or church can ask (not really new, but intentionalizing it)
    • Missionary or church can do a one-time approval for an entire degree program
    • Missionaries will be reimbursed immediately upon reimbursement submission, rather than waiting on completion of course or grades.


  11. Kerry Housley, can you add discussion of this to our next agenda for the Operational Leadership Meeting. Key items

    • Review the new policy
    • Review the amount of time a missionary can spend in study/class
    • Decide what happens when a missionary leaves staff in the middle of a class they are taking (my leaning is to not ask for the reimbursement back, but we should discuss)
    • Review the process so the team knows the new process.


  12. user-a88de, can you put the new request form into this document above.

    user-2ce9f, do you know how/where this will be tracked?

    1. Mike Swann - I just created the spreadsheet and have it ready to show you. I think it would be good to set up a verticals approval process before I finalize everything and show it to everyone. When would be a good time to finish it out and train?

    2. user-a88de Mike Swann - I went ahead and embedded it like we do the Open Enrollment Form.

  13. Matt Elkins and user-1a794, we'll talk about this in our meeting for team leaders to talk through amount of time spent in class

  14. Barb Seckler and user-1a794, this is ready for approval 

    1. Mike Swann - Are Fixed term going to have to individually get approval? I seem to think we decided they would be pre-approved based on their program. For the Step 2 (I can't make an in-line comment) - 

      1. I want to review these comments before "approving" this. 

      2. Mike Swann so can we edit step 2 as well please?  

  15. Good catch Barb Seckler. We probably need to notate that this is for people who do not already have a program up and running


  16. I have added my approval although I know there is still discussion needed on the travel, lodging and meals being taxable - I'm open to rephrasing/revising that but I'd like to discuss further - FYI Mike Swann user-1a794 plus we'll (ES) need to research it.

  17. user-1a794, can you take a look at this to see if there is anything else needed to talk through before we publish. I know there are a few things that still need to be taken care of, but just trying to get this piece published and ready.

  18. Updating this page today based on everything decided in 2021 (see 2021-07-07 Update - Continuing Education Policy for reference).