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What should I do if someone gives me a check gift?

Go to Toolbox and fill out a New Promise Form. Make sure the check is made out to Reliant and has your first and last name, as well as your Fund Number on it. Send it to:

Reliant Mission - Gift Services

        11002 Lake Hart Dr, Suite 100

        Orlando, FL 32832  

Please also review this Solomon page about check-giving.

When are check gifts usually processed?

Our Gift Services team usually processes checks within the week they are received. Everything received through Thursday afternoon is processed by Friday, and Friday afternoon mail is processed by Tuesday. However, there are sometimes post office delays. If a gift goes through a third party (bank, foundation, etc.), that could also cause a delay.

I have a question about a gift someone gave me. Who do I contact?

First, try sending an email to gift.services@reliant.org or call 877-614-4600

Is your donor expressing issues with online giving?

If someone gives me cash, what do I do? (same steps for a personal check made out to you)

You will fill out a money order at your bank or a local western union. The money order should be:

    • Made out to Reliant with Fund Number in the memo.
    • Mail the money order with the address and name of the partner in the return mail spot. 
    • Unless they did not want to be attached to Reliant in any way, then you would just put your information in the return address space. (see address above)


Why is my goal fluctuating?

  • Check giving can sometimes cause your percentage to change if they don’t give at the same time every month. Keep an eye on monthly check donors.
  • If the 5th or the 20th falls on a weekend, your percentage may drop 1 to 2%. This is due to the nature of the system and not because of a donor change.
  • Some donors change their monthly giving amount without letting you know. Be sure to confirm that everyone is giving what they said they would provide. You can check this by looking at your monthly donors in Toolbox.

Someone is giving to you monthly via check. How can this count towards my promised giving?

  • You’ll use a tool called Toolbox at toolbox.reliant.org.
    • Use your normal reliant credentials to sign in. 
    • MTD Reporting -> New Promise Form -> Then fill out the information and follow the instructions in the top right corner.

What happens to the funds in my MTD account if I don’t get fully funded or finish early?

  • The funds given to your account are actually given to Reliant (since Reliant is a 501c3), not to you individually. The process that we have for funds remaining in the account you are responsible for is that if you exit early (voluntarily or involuntarily), any recurring gifts would be terminated. Any gifts given would be given to an account with your church. 100% of giving goes to the work of the ministry, which is something you can let your donors know if they are concerned about (Reliant does not keep these extra funds)
  • If you are not able to get fully funded by your hire date, the decision about moving forward will be up to your leadership. If they decide not to have you move forward, the policy for the remaining funds would still be the same as above. 
  • If a donor is concerned about their giving, they can always call Reliant and talk to gift services about their gift. Reliant is more than happy to work with donors. 


I forgot my Solomon password. How do I log on?

Reliant Central (office) employees are the only ones who have login access to Solomon. You should be able to find the information you need in the Field Manual. If you're prompted for an access code, it's iamreliant. If you're having trouble locating a page or any other information, please contact Carly Erskine (407-901-0862, carly.erskine@reliant.org

Where can I find training materials?

  • In our LEARN courses. Log in to view your enrollments at learn.reliant.org.
  • Go to Solomon.reliant.org, which is our corporate wiki website.
    • Solomon is searchable and should have everything you would ever need. 
    • Is this your first time visiting Solomon? Password is: iamreliant

I recently moved. Where do I send my new address?

You'll need to fill out the Contact Information Change Form on this Solomon page. This ensures that your information is changed in all our systems and that your W-2 goes to the right place.

Who should I contact if I cannot find the answer on Solomon?

  • Your coach. If they don’t know...
  • Leanne Strickland is your liaison. Contact her with any questions.
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