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Fixed Term MTD Coaches,

Below will be an introduction to basic expectations for the coaching process for 2024. 

Reliant has always valued coaching and seen it as integral to the success of a Ministry Worker's Ministry Team Development. Coaching at its foundation is ministry and carries the honor to serve Reliant workers during their season of MTD. Coaching is integral both to the practical success of those in MTD in addition to help all parties involved be able to name God's work in the process.

There will be more information given to you as a coach later on with more Solomon pages build, but here are the basics for 2024 Coaching. 

Coaching Commitment

  • Intro call with a Mentor Coach (15 minutes/one time). 
  • Complete the Coaching training in LEARN as you begin coaching (2 hours/one time)
  • Coaching Cohort calls with your resident (45-60 minutes/weekly)
  • Call with a Mentor coach 30-45 minutes monthly. (bi-weekly for 1st year coaches for first two months)
  • Fill out a Monthly Report on each of the people you coach. Due dates - After the 25th and before end of Month
  • Sign a coaching agreement at the beginning of the term and Complete and Sign a coaching tracker at the end of term or each pay period for 1099 coaches.
  • Typically a 3-6 month timeline depending on your residents’ start date. 


Coaching Compensation

For current Reliant employees, there are two options for compensation. 

You will be paid $200 per cohort per month. Reliant will subsidize $100/mo and you are responsible to raise the additional $100/mo out of the account you are responsible for. You may opt to only receive the $100 and deny the additional $100. 

The coaching bonus is paid out at the end of the coaching Term. Typically paid on the 15th of the month after the coach has ended coaching pending the coach completes needed administrative forms. 

Example - Coach 1 cohort from March - August: 6 Months x $200 = $1200. You would be responsible to raise $600 and Reliant will subsidies $600. Pending proper funding in the accept that you are responsible for, you would be paid in full in September.  You could also opt to not raise MTD funds in which you would receive $600 at the end of the coaching term. 

*For non-Reliant Employees. You will be paid as a 1099 contractor. 

You will be paid $300 per cohort per month. Reliant will subsidize $150 and you are responsible to raise the additional $150. *We will be opening an MTD Account for you to manage or Re-activate your giving page, however former donors giving will not reactivate.  You may opt to only receive the $150 and deny the additional $150. 

There are 4 pay periods for 1099s: Jan-April, May-June, July-August, and Sept-December. 

Example - Coach 1 cohort from March - August: March - April = $600, May-June $600, July-Aug $600.  You would be responsible to raise $150 and Reliant will subsidies $150 each month this could be activating monthly giving or one time gifts. With a total of $1800 for the season and pending proper funding in the account that you are responsible for, you would be paid in full after each pay period  You could also opt to not raise MTD funds receive the $150/mo per pay period. 

*There is still some clarification about the opening of MTD accounts, more information in future communications. 

Table Training

If you are a first-time coach, you will need to attend a training with which the people you are coaching are attending. Typically, this is program specific. There are three reasons why we encourage this. 

  1. To foster the relationship and trust with the people you will be coaching. 
  2. As a refresher to be kept updated on how Reliant’s training has changed. 
  3. The work of table training naturally lends itself to being able to ask questions and give feedback which is good preparation for coaching. 

If you are a returning coach, table training is not a requirement but is strongly preferred to be able to connect with the people you will be coaching. There are some cases where people will only table train or only coach but that is not the norm.  If you are willing and able, it is possible to table train for multiple trainings.

Resident Training in 2024

We are continuing to utilize LEARN as part of our training process. The overall training process starts with  a “kickoff call” where residents meet one another and LEARN is introduced. Then there is a two-week period for residents to complete the course and prep work. Then they will attend a two-day live training which trainers will attend. Table Trainers are not required to attend the kick off calls. The two-day training is intense and mostly consists of workshop time. 

*Table Trainers will have a separate Table Trainers call the week before training.

In-Person Training – Logistics* 

There will be a trainers’ dinner Thursday night before Friday’s training, so you will need to plan on traveling to the city of the live training site on Thursday. Reliant will compensate for travel, whether it will be mileage or flights depending on the travel situation. We will be training early Saturday evening, so if you fly, your flight will need to be for Sunday morning. Reliant will cover housing Thursday night-Saturday night, pending your travel need. Beka Cashmer will be handling those logistics. 

*For virtual, there will be an online trainers’ meeting the Thursday before trainings.

Training Compensation 

Compensation for Reliant Employees will be $400  for each training and will come in as a Bonus. Compensation for 1099 contractors will be $500. This is due to taxes being processed for Reliant employees but not 1099s.
Our desire is to have commitments from trainers solidified about a month in advanced. 
If you have any questions about training email Jenni.Saniuk@reliant.org

Please email Karl and Jenni about your commitment for coaching and which Table trainings you desire and are available for.

Training Dates

January 11 - 12: Virtual - Zoom

February 9 - 10: Virtual - Zoom

February 23 - 24: In-person - Austin, TX

March 22 - 23: Virtual - Zoom

April 5 - 6: In-person - Raleigh, NC

April 19 - 20: In-person - College Station, TX

May 3 - 4: Virtual - Zoom

If you have any questions, please email, text or Call Karl Koemmpel - karl.koemmpel@reliant.org 360-620-9406



Karl Koemmpel

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