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Some supervisors and staff may not think about the importance of contacting Reliant in different situations.  This is a quick reference of instances when the Reliant office should be contacted immediately or as soon as possible.

If you aren't sure who your Liaison or Program Team Lead is, you can find the names and contact information for them on the Central Staff Contact Page.

WhatContactField Manual Page
A Reliant employee is injured while “on the job.”

Program Liaison (during Reliant office hours)

Benefits@reliant.org (on weekends or after Reliant office hours)

Physical Safety
A Reliant employee's actions are a severe violation of the Reliant policy, including the Code of Conduct. (This includes but is not limited to moral issues, gross misconduct, dishonestly, etc.)Program Team LeadCorrective Action
Any allegation is made either by the Reliant employee or about the Reliant employee as it relates to Harassment or Discrimination.HR Director (notifyHR@reliant.org)Workplace Harassment and Discrimination
You receive a significant complaint from a congregant, student, ministry client, or anyone else you are ministering to regarding a Reliant employee.Program Team LeadCorrective Action
A formal grievance cannot be resolved at the local level.HR Director (notifyHR@reliant.org)Grievance System

You or the Reliant employee anticipate any of the following changes:

  • Employee's location (city)
  • Supervisor
  • Ministry assignment (church or ministry where the employee is serving)
  • Job level 
    • Consideration of a promotion
    • Commissioning or Ordination
  • A change in hours (reduction or increase)
Program LiaisonEmployment Changes
When a Reliant employee is unable to perform their normal number of hours for more than a week due to illness (such as short-term or long-term disability) or any other reason.Program LiaisonLeave of Absence
A Reliant employee needs a leave of absence – parental, sabbaticals, personal leaves, military leaves, etc.Program Liaison

Leave of Absence

Taking a Sabbatical

Paid Parental Leave

A Reliant employee returns from a leave of absence.Program LiaisonLeave of Absence
A Reliant employee is exiting staff.Program Liaison

Exiting Employment

Exiting the Field

(International Workers)

A Reliant employee is traveling outside of their normal staff assignment (especially internationally) as a part of their ministry role (for example, short-term missions or summer programs).Program Team LeadTravel Notification
A Reliant employee takes time away from work for 5 days or more for anything not related to Paid Time Off (PTO).Program Liaison
A Reliant employee is seemingly dissatisfied or there is unresolved conflict or strained team relationships.Program Team Lead
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