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Thank you for performing a valuable role in the kingdom. This information is intended to provide tools, resources, and encouragement in your role as a Reliant supervisor. Effective supervision and management of God’s resources is a serious responsibility. We realize that many of you did not expect to manage people when you entered into vocational ministry. Yet, God wants each of us to work for His glory, and this means accountability that we are doing the right things with our resources and in the right way. The individuals that labor in God’s kingdom are His servants, and your oversight of those servants is an investment in His kingdom.

We hope that the resources provided to you assist in the following ways:

Clarity in Roles

It is equally important that staff members understand they are employees with a job role and managers/supervisors know their role in directing them. As a manager or supervisor, you are responsible for your staff members, and they are responsible for responding appropriately to your guidance and direction. While Reliant realizes that individuals have raised a ministry support team (which can be very challenging), they have also entered into an employment relationship with Reliant. This relationship means they have agreed to submit themselves to Reliant as well as to your leadership. Employees must understand that they can voice concerns and wishes and even push back respectfully; however, ultimately, they must respect the authority structure of Reliant and its partner ministries unless the direction violates God’s Word, the law, or Reliant’s policies or standards.

We recognize that some of you are in a supervisor role but do not oversee the Reliant employee on a day-to-day basis. For example, your supervisee may be a church planter in another city or an individual starting a new ministry. While the relationship that you have with the Reliant employee may look different than other supervisory relationships, you are still entrusted with guiding the employee and establishing a healthy level of accountability with them.

It can be confusing when you are in the role of pastor/shepherd, friend, and supervisor. It is often much more straightforward in a secular context, and supervisors may be told that they should not develop friendships with those who work for them. Obviously, that is not the way we want to work as a body of believers. However, if there are multiple pastors, some churches have designated one pastor specifically to maintain the pastor/shepherd relationship and a separate pastor responsible for supervision. Additionally, some have delegated supervision to more senior staff.

Effective Management

A plethora of management books and resources exist. On these pages, we aim to offer proven management practices and principles that apply to ministry settings. We hope this information helps you manage and lead your staff, but keep in mind that Reliant is always here to help you. Contact your Program Team if ever you have a question about how or what to do with managing a specific employee situation or even setting up general “management practices.”

Clear Expectations

It's always helpful to know what is expected of us. These pages will provide the basic expectations for the supervisor relationship along with the tools you need to fulfill those expectations. However, remember that people come before process. So if you have any questions or concerns about the employee or supervisor expectations, please reach out to your Program Team to discuss them.

We will regularly update the information found on these pages. Check back often for additional tools, tips, and resources.

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