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International Specific FAQ's

When should I let Reliant know whenever someone has filled out the application, and we decide to put them on hold?

When a partner wants to put someone on hold, we should finish the interview process (Reliant interview) so that we can convey the content of the psychological assessment. With its cost, we don’t want to re-do it if possible. Ideally, we complete the hiring decision step, even when someone is going to be on hold. Then the growth objectives can be identified, and you, the partner. Then we only have to assess whether they met the stated objectives. 

How long is the international ICP testing good for before an applicant needs to redo it?

They expire after six months and would need to be done again after that point.

How long is the Reliant Interview good for before an applicant has to redo that?

The Reliant portion of the application is good for 12 months after the applicant submits it. If we approach the twelve-month point with someone on hold, we hope we can complete a hiring decision and offer a role, even if training is a few months away. We only re-do the Reliant interview if we have to restart the application because they were on hold for more than 12 months after the application submission.

What if a US International worker marries a national?

The International worker's salary reflects the needs of his household, which includes spouse and kids. The International worker would need to raise and increase their salary to include all their expenses. The national spouse can only be Associate Volunteer if they don't have a green card or US citizenship.  But, the national spouse should apply for the Associate Volunteer role. By doing so, their expenses related to furlough, conferences, and ministry are reimbursable. The expenses only become reimbursable after the national spouse has an offer from us. After accepting an offer from us, the national spouse would complete some of our onboarding training.

Can a National complete the ICP testing?

The ICP testing can only be complete within the US. So unless the National comes to the US or is already in the US, they will most likely skip the ICP testing.

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  1. Jenni Saniuk Matthew Mott - There is now going to be a space in the Field Manual for Supervisors separate from the MTD Coach Space. Who is the audience for this page? Supervisors? If so, we can move it there. Or should this go in the International space?

    1. This is for supervisors of International missionaries. These speak to questions and scenarios that we have already experienced.

      1. Do you think those supervisors would be more likely to go to the Supervisor Space or the International Space for these questions/answers?

  2. I'm unsure. I think we can put it in either space and put a link to it in the other space. that way it can be found in either section.

    1. Matthew Mott, I moved this page to the new Supervisor Space. You may want to also do a page excerpt into the International Space.