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In some situations, a visa will require you to receive local income through an in-country non-profit. Reliant can accommodate this through our Grant Process.

Gather information about the foreign entity

Your local non-profit will be a "Third-Party Grant Recipient and Administrator". This means they are receiving and distributing a grant from Reliant, but they are not an active partner, nor have they signed any kind of MOU. We need them to provide their non-profit information and sign the TPGRA agreement, stating they will distribute the monies according to the purpose designated by Reliant (your salary and any associated costs).

Determine what needs to change

Depending on the amount of salary given by grant vs. Reliant salary, we may need to adjust some details of your employment status, benefits, and salary.

  1. Salary - we will reduce your Reliant salary by your local salary. Be aware of other costs associated with the Grant, in addition to your actual salary.
    1. Salary amount (this is the amount we would reduce from Reliant salary)
    2. Admin costs or fee from the foreign entity
    3. Taxes or Insurance Costs paid directly by the foreign entity on your behalf.
  2. Insurance - You may also be eligible for local insurance and could be considering dropping Aetna. Before opting-out of Aetna, it is important to understand the risks involved with not carrying a US based insurance plan (see- Opting Out of Reliant International Health Insurance). You are allowed to carry both plans to ensure the best possible coverage.
  3. Employment Status - You still need to maintain minimum employment hours with Reliant.
    1. Part-Time - If you no longer want to be benefits eligible, and your salary has reduced enough to justify part-time employment, we will change your status to 5-25 hours per week.
    2. Full-Time - If you would like to stay on Reliant Insurance, we will maintain full-time employment for you. In this case, your Reliant salary should be sufficient to justify at least 30 hours/week, particularly if you are employed on the legal entity. The monthly minimum for PT30 is $1000/month ($1300 for FT40).

Determine the Timeline

We will make the employment/salary changes in the same month that the first grant payment is sent. This will result in one month of extra salary, but is the smoothest way to ensure that you don't get shorted salary or have a potential gap in insurance coverage..

Sample Timeline
April 30Last Day of Aetna Benefits (if going PT)
May 1New Salary and/or Employment Status Change Initiated
May 10First Grant Payment Sent
May 15Full Salary Paycheck (for April work)
June 15First Reduced Paycheck

Request the Grant

  1. Begin a Stipend Grant Request
  2. Use the Wire Agreement Form (linked on line 24) to submit the foreign bank details.
  3. We will add the TPGRA form as a tab in the Stipend Request.
  4. Use the sample below as a guide to filling out the form.

Receiving the Grant

  1. Before the full grant amount is sent, we will send a $50 test payment, to make sure the wire template is accurate and working correctly.
  2. When the test payment is received, please notify projectfundraising@reliant.org, so that we know we can send the full grant on the next payment date.
  3. Grants are always sent on the 10th of the month (or earlier, if that is a weekend)
  4. It may take additional days to clear the foreign bank and be available for use.
  5. Grants require reporting every six months (in July and December). Project Fundraising will remind you when it is time.
    1. Add projectfundraising@reliant.org to your newsletter list to meet the ministry milestones requirement.
    2. Submit written acknowledgement that you received the funds that were intended for you. We have a template you can use for this.

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