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The fund custodian on a church/project fund may submit this form for expenses in the form of stipends incurred on behalf of a church/project fund. 

Please read the Grant-Making Standard before submitting a Stipend Grant Request.

Stipend Grant Additional Information

Stipend Requests:

Stipend Grant Request Form: used to request a monthly recurring stipend disbursement to a Designated Grantee. The requestor will note stipend amounts and details about Designated Grantees, and follow the reporting guidelines outlined below including receipt submissions. Amounts for stipends are determined by the church/ministry partnership.

Grant stipend disbursement for Designated Grantees is subject to available funds. Grant stipend disbursement amount does not increase based on donations received to the church/project fund. Grant stipend disbursement will result in a lower amount distributed if funding is unavailable. If the fund does not have enough to cover the stipend amount for the Designated Grantee for one month, Reliant will not automatically disburse an additional stipend amount the following month to make up the difference. The distributed amounts can only be increased by submitting a new grant request (either a separate one-time stipend request to make up the difference from previous months missed due to low funding or by requesting a change addendum to the recurring amount request form that more accurately reflects the available funding). 

If the amounts or names change for the Designated Grantees outlined on the Stipend Request Form, an addendum to the stipend request is required. Addendums require approval by both the Authorized Signer and Reliant

Stipend Agreement: A stipend agreement is a document required to be signed by any Designated Grantee receiving a stipend disbursement to acknowledge Reliant's requirements of a Designated Grantee. Once the stipend agreement has been signed, and the Designated Grantee has been approved, then grant stipend disbursement requests can be officially submitted. Stipend agreements are typically signed and submitted through Reliant's online application system.

If this is your first time filling out this form, please watch this tutorial instructional video. 

Stipend Grant Request Form

*If the above box is not working for you, please use this link to download the form. You will need to share the form with projectfundraising@reliant.org (it will not work to simply comment using this link.)

Please note:

  • This form is for expenses that are for stipends requests (monthly support). For items purchased (have receipts), please use the Expense Grant Request Form.  
  • The status at the top of the form will change as the request goes through the Reliant approval workflow process.
  • You can not mix recurring and one-time stipends on the same request form. 
  • A new form is needed for each entity/individual that is receiving funds directly to a bank account. 
  • For any additional documents requested on the form, please use a Google folder to link those to the form. Please refer to these instructions for setting up a Google folder (the instructions refer to receipts, but for this form, you'll be sharing photos and other documents): Expense Receipt Google Folder.
  • Once you are ready to report your receipts, please follow the instructions for Grant Required Reporting

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