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Reimbursements and ERB Process and Grant Request Process are two ways for monies to be distributed from church/project funds for expenses. The treatment of an expense should not depend on the source of the funds, it should depend on the use of the funds. The pay-to entity may also determine the type of payment process. Please refer to the table below to understand which process should be used for expenses. 

If you have further questions on whether to submit a reimbursement or a grant, please contact projectfundraising@reliant.org.

Reimbursement and Expense Recovery Bonus
  • General church/ministry and project fund reimbursements are only paid out to employees/associates. 
  • Employees/associates* may use the Reimbursement and ERB process to reimburse project fund expenses.
  • Employees/associates* should always use the Reimbursement and ERB Process instead of grant requests when project funds are desired to be used to cover an expense that is directly related to an employee role or benefit the employee. 
  • Employees/associates* using the Reimbursement and ERB Process to submit an expense covered by a project fund will receive payment through the employee direct deposit bank account information already on file.
  • See Project Fund Reimbursements for information on how to submit these expenses through the Reimbursement and Expense Recovery Bonus Process. Reimbursements out of a ministry project will be paid directly to the Reliant employee/associate who incurred the expenses.

  *Associates do not qualify for ERB

Expense Advances may be used when funds are needed prior to Reimbursement and ERB expenditures. 

Church/Project Fund and Grant Process
  • Tax-deductible expenses for job-related costs incurred by Reliant employees and associates should be reimbursed to the employees and associates through the Reimbursements process, not the Grant-making process. Costs incurred by Reliant employees that are eligible for taxable Expense Recovery Bonuses (ERBs) should utilize the process for ERBs, not the Grant-making process. For more information on reimbursements, ERBs, and their distinction from grants, please see Reimbursements and Expense Recovery Home.
  • Grants are only paid to what Reliant refers to as vendors. 
  • Non-employees, churches, or other organizations and entities (added as vendors in Reliant's system) can only use the Grant Request process and do not qualify for using Reliant's Reimbursement and ERB process for requesting monies from the Reliant church/project fund.
  • Reliant prefers to send grant disbursements to the church/ministry (added as a vendor in Reliant's system) bank account, not to an individual's bank account.
  • Employees/associates may only receive grant disbursements to their personal bank account when there's no registered in-country organization (either U.S. or foreign) to receive funds on their behalf. The employee/associate would be added as a vendor in Reliant's system, and a non-employee direct deposit or wire agreement would need to be submitted. This is not a preferred method so all due diligence should be done to find a registered in-country organization to receive monies.
  • Employees/associates who act as the Reliant Custodian for a fund may use the Grant Request process when the expense is for the project itself and does not relate to the employee role or benefit the employee.
  • Associates may only reimburse non-taxable expenses through the Reimbursement Process, so any expense normally qualifying as an ERB expense for a project would have to be submitted by the associate as a grant request instead. Because associates are not employees but are receiving a grant that could have taxable implications, personal responsibility for the associate's own taxes is applicable. Determination of taxable wages and taxes owed to governing authorities is ultimately the responsibility of each employee/associate who bears ultimate responsibility for her/his income tax return(s) in consultation with his or her tax advisor(s).
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