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For a full overview of Reliant's Reimbursement Policy and Standards, please refer to Reimbursements and Expense Recovery Home.

Within the Solomon section, there are some key places to look for International-Specific information.

  • International Expense Submission form - Anyone on the International Program Team should use this form to submit reimbursements, even if you are residing in the United States.
  • International Per Diem form - Use this form when traveling anywhere outside the United States.
  • US Per Diem form - Use this form when you are traveling within the United States on a home assignment, or if you are a stateside employee traveling for ministry for 3+ days.
  • International Allowance Form - For lump sum amounts that are not recoverable on the Expense submission form.
  • International Worker Expenses - All sections of the Expense Recovery Standard apply to International Workers, but this section in particular covers expenses only eligible for reimbursement for International workers.

Below is a guide to help you understand how to recover expenses common to an employee living overseas for international work. Click on the links to review any specific guidelines or information needed when reimbursing that type of expense. To further understand the differences between Reimbursements, ERBs and Allowances, we have a helpful guide here - Understanding Reimbursements vs. International Allowances


Reimbursement (non-taxable)

ERB (taxable)

International Allowance (taxable)

Visa expenses paid to a gov't or agencyIntl Worker Expenses - Immigration Feesfor dependents
Large sum needed to sit in bank for visa

Hardship Allowance
Airfare to fieldTravel & Events

Hotel Expenses while looking for a place to live

Travel & Events

Per Diem (International)

Furniture & Appliances for new house

Settling-in Allowance
Language School TuitionIntl Worker Expenses (Prof fees)for dependents
Children's School Tuition

Hardship Allowance (if not built into salary)

Coaching/Counseling/Spiritual Direction

Also see International Counseling Resources

Job-related coaching can be reimbursed. Counseling and spiritual direction can be an ERB. See Standard
Visa Run

Travel & Events

Per Diem (International)

for dependents
Travel Costs for a Conference/Retreat/Debrief

Travel & Events

Per Diem (International)

for dependents
Fees for a Conference/Retreat/DebriefTravel & Events - Event/Conference/Training feesfor dependents
Special trip to the US for a personal event (wedding, funeral) outside of normal home assignment

Hardship Allowance
Medically necessary trip without any ministry-component
You can reimburse travel expenses as ERB.
Home Assignment 

Travel & Events

Per Diem (U.S.)

for dependents
Home Assignment - Vehicle ExpensesTravel & Events - You can reimburse the cost of renting a car, as well as gas for a rented or borrowed car. Use mileage calculations only if you own the vehicle.

Moving to a New Ministry LocationTravel & Events - Airfare, Visa
Moving Allowance - Shipping Costs, new furniture, etc.
Meals - During Travel

Per Diem (International)

Per Diem (U.S.)

Meals may also be reimbursed individually if you do not use per diem.

Meals/Groceries - For a small group or ministry setting

Other Expenses - Meals and Groceries

Please Include

  • where meal was purchased
  • who was with you
  • brief ministry purpose - "small group gathering, or met up for weekly discipleship"

  • No labels


  1. Unknown User (kate.pendola@reliant.org)

    Unknown User (ed.courtney@reliant.org), this page should also probably get reviewed by someone on the finance team (maybe Unknown User (christine.stitt@reliant.org)?) since it is information that finance processes/executes.

    1. Thanks for sharing this, Kate. This page's info is so old that it might even be best to delete the page, or to just reference the Reimbursement handbook for info on International Reimbursements (use a "click this link for more info"). Once upon a time, International Reimbursements looked very different than US Reimbursements, but that gap is almost becoming non-existent. What are your thoughts, Unknown User (ed.courtney@reliant.org)? What would you guys like this space to share about reimbursements for internationals? 

  2. Unknown User (ed.courtney@reliant.org)

    Unknown User (christine.stitt@reliant.org), What do you think about something like this? A link to the form and to the instructions. We may decide to delete the page later.

  3. This should be good to go now! Thanks! 

    1. There were two links to the same page-  the reimbursement home page. so i deleted one of them. 

  4. Julie Thompson can we delete this page completely?