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Reliant's Dental Insurance is available to any employee who works 30 hours or more. It is also available to your dependents, through the month of their 26th birthday. This dental offering allows quality care for dental needs, and Reliant recommends you utilize this benefit from the beginning of your employment. The employee has 30 days from a qualifying event to start this coverage.

To add a dependent child before their third birthday is considered a qualifying event. Your child is covered automatically whether you enroll or not for the first 18 months since babies don’t usually have teeth, nor need coverage. After the first 18 months, you have until 31 days following the 3rd birthday of your child to enroll them in dental coverage. If you wait until after 31 days following the third birthday, you will be able to enroll them during the next Open Enrollment.  See Adding a Dependent to Insurance for details and instructions.

Other Resources:

Dental Insurance - Coverage and Rates

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  1. Unknown User (daniel.cone@reliant.org)

    Unknown User (ed.courtney@reliant.org) the "Dental Plan Summary Texas Employees Only" is linked to the 48 page Plan Doc, not the summary for TX employees. I'll send you the right form in HipChat.


  2. user-1a794 the page says dependents are covered until age 24 but the summary of benefits says 25

  3. user-1a794 Tonya Bartels - Sarah is going to republish this with changes you're reviewers so she has to remove you as review to publish.  Feel free to reach out if you find more edits in need of being changed.  I did a review and this is accurate to the best of my understanding.

  4. Tonya Bartels Unknown User (ed.courtney@reliant.org) - I added a page on downloading a dental card and linked it to this main page.  Both pages can be published.  

  5. Barb Seckler I just added dependent  enrollment info, can you review it before it gets published? 

    1. Tonya Bartels didn't we realize there isn't really late entrant with RSLI?

        1. Tonya Bartels then shouldn't we remove the "late entrant" info on this page?

          1. yep, I have not been updating any Solomon pages. I didn't realize I was supposed to be doing that, but I will change this one.