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Vision insurance through EyeMed is optional. This insurance is available to ALL U.S. field workers, regardless of hours worked. In other words, you can be either a full-time or part-time staff and still elect EyeMed Vision Insurance. The premiums are paid by the field staff pre-tax through the Reliant Cafeteria Plan. The monthly insurance premiums will be deducted from field staff paychecks. Coverage is optional. Enrollment in Vision Insurance is made each year using the Cafeteria Plan Form.

Provider Information

Vision Provider:Reliance Matrixwww.reliancematrix.com1-866-289-0614
Vision Network:EyeMed


2025 Monthly Premium Rates

Coverage levelMonthly Premium

Employee + 1 (Spouse or Child)


Vision enrollment requires the submission of a Cafeteria Form. The cafe form must be submitted each year. Otherwise, the vision benefit will end. 


  • $10 eye exam at in-network providers.
  • Annual lens and bi-annual frames for glasses after a $25 copay.
  • Contact lens coverage up to $120/year, $0 copay.
  • In-network providers include Target, Pearl Vision, Lenscrafters, Sears, JC Penny's, and more. Find a provider by visiting www.eyemedvisioncare.com or by calling 1-866-939-3633. 
  • Field staff can also choose to process an annual eye exam separately through GuideStone. 
  • A tax-free benefit means that you pay no Federal income taxes or FICA taxes on the premiums paid through the Reliant Cafeteria Plan. 

Enrollment form

For mid-year enrollment at the start of employment, use the following form. 

Please follow the link below for the correct coverage term. If you want coverage in both years, you must submit both forms. 

Adding Dependents:

For more information on adding a dependent to coverage, see Adding a Dependent to Insurance.

Additional Information and Resources

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