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If you're recently married or have added a child to your family, you may want to add a dependent to your insurance. Please read more about timing and what you need to submit to add your dependent. If you need to complete a form, please email your request to benefits@reliant.org, and we will send you a DocuSign envelope. 


Life Insurance - Voluntary Coverage

Form: Life insurances - Voluntary Life RSLI Application - current year.pdf

Enrollment deadline: 31 days from the date of the Qualifying Event

Please be sure to fill out all required information. Although changes must be submitted to RSLI within 31 days, please submit information to Reliant within 20-25 days to allow for internal processing.

Medical Insurance - Domestic/US coverage (Guidestone)

Form: GuideStone Special and Late Applicant Enrollment Form (PDF)

Enrollment deadline: 60 days from the date of the Qualifying Event

*If adding a new baby to insurance, all you need to do is email benefits@reliant.org with the baby's name, birth date, gender, and, if possible, the social security number. 

Although changes must be submitted to Guidestone within 60 days, please submit information to Reliant within 52-55 days to allow for internal processing.

Medical Insurance - International Coverage (Aetna)

Form: International Medical Insurance - Aetna Enrollment Form.pdf

Enrollment deadline: 30 days from the date of the Qualifying Event.

*If adding a new baby to insurance, all you need to do is email benefits@reliant.org with the baby's name, birth date, gender, and, if possible, the social security number. 

*If adding a newly married spouse to insurance, all you need to do is email benefits@reliant.org with the spouse's full legal name, the wedding date, gender, and his/her social security number.

Although changes must be submitted to Aetna within 30 days, please submit information to Reliant within 20-25 days to allow for internal processing. 

Vision Insurance

Form: Cafeteria Plan Enrollment Form

Enrollment deadline: 30 days for enrollment, but coverage begins the month following the date of enrollment.

Dental Insurance

Form: Dental Insurance - Change Request.pdf

Fields of the form to complete:

    • Employer
    • Policy Number if you have it. If not, Missionary Resources has it.
    • Insured’s Name (yours)
    • Social Security Number
    • Dependents to be added
      • Under Relationship also include gender by specifying son or daughter
      • Late Entrant: No
    • Date, Insured’s Signature, Witness’ Signature

Adding a spouse: You have 31 days to add a spouse if you had dental insurance before marriage or if you are involuntarily termed from another plan. After the 31-day deadline, your spouse can be added at Open Enrollment or will be considered a Late Entrant and will not receive full coverage for a year. 

Adding baby: You may enroll your baby now or later. If you already have family dental coverage, it is recommended to add the baby immediately since it will not increase your premiums. You have until 31 days after your child turns 3 years old to enroll the baby. After the 31-day deadline, your dependent can be added at Open Enrollment or will be considered a Late Entrant and will not receive full coverage for a year. 

Please be aware that adding a dependent may increase your premiums (e.g., moving from Employee to Employee+Spouse coverage or Employee+Spouse to Family coverage).

For info on premiums, please see:


 Jennifer Greening

Email:   benefits@reliant.org

Phone: 407-630-5904

Title: Benefits Coordinator

Department: Benefits and Employment Services Team