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As a Reliant employee, the type and amount of benefits that are available to you depend on a variety of factors, including your employment status and hours worked per week.

To see the benefits included with your employment offer, find your Employee Type & Hours from your offer of employment information on Reliant's Assessment Hub and click on the appropriate category from the drop-down below. 

Benefits by Employee Type & Hours

US Employee, ongoing - Full Time*
SalaryMarket based

Ministry Expense Bonus

(for those who raise support)

Ministry Expense Bonus Amounts
Ministry ReimbursementsEligible
Medical InsuranceOffered to Employee & Dependents
Dental InsuranceOptional
Vision InsuranceOptional
401KEligible one year from hire date, enrolled w/ Quarterly enrollment
Group Term Life, Short-Term Disability & Long-Term Disability

Group  LifeShort-Term DisabilityLong-Term Disability provided by Reliant

Voluntary — optional

Elective Education ReimbursementEligible
Paid Time OffEligible
US Employee, ongoing - Part Time, ~30 hours weekly*
SalaryMarket based

Ministry Expense Bonus

(for those who raise support)

Ministry Expense Bonus Amounts
Ministry ReimbursementsEligible
Medical InsuranceOffered to Employee & Dependents
Dental InsuranceOptional
Vision InsuranceOptional
401KEligible one year from hire date, enrolled w/ Quarterly enrollment
Group Term Life, Short-Term Disability & Long-Term Disability

Short-Term DisabilityLong-Term Disability provided by Reliant

Voluntary — optional

Elective Education ReimbursementEligible
Paid Time OffEligible
US Employee, ongoing - Part Time, ~20-25 hours weekly*
SalaryMarket based

Ministry Expense Bonus

(for those who raise support)

Ministry Expense Bonus Amounts
Ministry ReimbursementsEligible
Vision InsuranceOptional
401KEligible one year from hire date, enrolled w/ Quarterly enrollment
Elective Education ReimbursementEligible
Paid Time OffEligible
Hourly, <20 hours weekly
SalaryMarket based

Ministry Expense Bonus

(for those who raise support)

Ministry Expense Bonus Amounts
Ministry ReimbursementsEligible
Vision InsuranceOptional
401KEligible one year from hire date, enrolled w/ Quarterly enrollment
Elective Education ReimbursementEligible with Special Approval
US Associate

Eligible for some ministry reimbursements.

SalaryNeeds based

Ministry Expense Bonus

(for those who raise support)

Eligible for specialized Intl bonuses
Ministry ReimbursementsEligible
Medical InsuranceIntl Coverage Offered to Employee & Dependents
Dental InsuranceIncluded in Intl Coverage
Vision InsuranceIncluded in Intl Coverage
401KEligible one year from hire date, enrolled w/ Quarterly enrollment
Group Term Life, Short-Term Disability & Long-Term Disability

Short-Term DisabilityLong-Term Disability provided by Reliant

Voluntary — optional

Elective Education ReimbursementEligible according to hours worked
Paid Time OffEligible
International Associate

Eligible for some ministry reimbursements.

International Intern, 5-12 months
SalaryNeeds based
Medical InsuranceConsult Reliant at international@reliant.org for insurance provisions
Dental InsuranceIncluded in Intl Coverage
Vision InsuranceIncluded in Intl Coverage
Group Term Life, Short-Term Disability & Long-Term Disability

Short-Term DisabilityLong-Term Disability provided by Reliant

Voluntary — optional

See your program parameters for more information regarding ministry expense bonuses & reimbursements, paid time off and holidays.

Intern/Resident, more than 12 months, ~ 30 hours weekly or Full Time
SalaryMarket based
Medical InsuranceOffered to Employee & Dependents
Dental InsuranceOptional
Vision InsuranceOptional
401KEligible one year from hire date, enrolled w/ Quarterly enrollment
Group Term Life, Short-Term Disability & Long-Term Disability

Short-Term DisabilityLong-Term Disability provided by Reliant

Voluntary — optional

See your program parameters for more information regarding ministry expense bonuses & reimbursements, paid time off and holidays.

Intern, 5-12 months
SalaryMarket based
Medical Insurance*Offered to Employee & Dependents
Dental Insurance*Optional
Vision InsuranceOptional
Group Term Life, Short-Term Disability & Long-Term Disability

Short-Term DisabilityLong-Term Disability provided by Reliant

Voluntary — optional

*  To be eligible for medical or dental insurance benefits, you must work at least 30 hours per week.

See your program parameters for more information regarding ministry expense bonuses & reimbursements, paid time off and holidays.

*Indicates salaried roles.

Benefits eligibility may change based on your employment status (including if employment status changes during Initial MTD).

If you have questions about your benefits, contact your program team liaison or email benefits@reliant.org.

If you would like to compare the benefits available with different employment status options with Reliant, use the chart below.

U.S. Employee, ongoing

Full Time*

U.S. Employee, ongoing

Part Time, ~30 hours weekly*

U.S. Employee, ongoing

Part Time, 20-25 hours weekly*

Hourly, <20 hours weeklyU.S. AssociateInternational*International AssociateIntern/Resident, more than 12 months, ~30 hours weekly or Full TimeIntern, 5-12 monthsIntern, 4 months or less
SalaryMarket basedMarket basedMarket basedMarket basedNot applicableNeeds basedNot applicableMarket basedMarket basedMarket based

Ministry Expense Bonus

(for those who raise support)

Ministry Expense Bonus AmountsMinistry Expense Bonus AmountsMinistry Expense Bonus AmountsMinistry Expense Bonus AmountsNot applicableEligible for specialized Intl bonusesNot applicableSee your program parametersSee your program parametersSee your program parameters
Ministry ReimbursementsEligibleEligibleEligibleEligibleEligible for some ministry reimbursements.EligibleEligible for some ministry reimbursements.See your program parametersSee your program parametersNot eligible
Medical Insurance

Offered to Employee & DependentsOffered to Employee & Dependents Not eligibleNot eligibleNot eligibleIntl Coverage Offered to Employee & DependentsNot eligibleOffered to Employee & Dependents Offered to Employee & Dependents
Not eligible

Dental Insurance

OptionalOptionalNot eligibleNot eligibleNot eligibleIncluded in Intl  CoverageNot eligibleOptional


Must work at least 30 hours per week.

Not eligible
Vision Insurance

OptionalOptionalOptionalOptionalNot eligibleIncluded in Intl CoverageNot eligibleOptionalOptionalNot eligible
401(k)Eligible one year from hire date, enrolled w/ Quarterly enrollment Eligible one year from hire date, enrolled w/ Quarterly enrollment Eligible one year from hire date, enrolled w/ Quarterly enrollment Eligible one year from hire date, enrolled w/ Quarterly enrollment Not eligibleEligible one year from hire date, enrolled w/ Quarterly enrollment Not eligibleEligible one year from hire date, enrolled w/ Quarterly enrollment Not eligibleNot eligible
Group Term Life, Short-Term Disability & Long-Term Disability

Group  Life Short-Term DisabilityLong-Term Disability provided by Reliant

Voluntary —optional

Group  Life Short-Term DisabilityLong-Term Disability  provided by Reliant

Voluntary optional

Not eligibleNot eligibleNot eligible

Group  Life Short-Term DisabilityLong-Term Disability provided by Reliant

Voluntary optional

Not eligible

Group  Life Short-Term DisabilityLong-Term Disability provided by Reliant

Voluntary optional

Group  Life Short-Term DisabilityLong-Term Disability  provided by Reliant

Voluntary — optional

Not eligible
Elective Education ReimbursementEligibleEligibleEligibleEligible with Special ApprovalNot eligibleEligible according to hours workedNot eligibleSee your program parametersSee your program parametersNot eligible
Paid Time OffEligibleEligibleEligibleNot eligibleNot eligibleEligibleNot eligibleSee your program parametersSee your program parametersNot eligible
HolidaysEligibleEligibleEligibleNot eligibleNot eligibleEligibleNot eligibleSee your program parametersSee your program parametersNot eligible
  • No labels


  1. Unknown User (kate.pendola@reliant.org) - before our MR Collaboration meeting on Wednesday, can you change the orientation of this chart so the employment types are at the top (row) and the benefits headings are on the side (column)?

  2. Unknown User (kate.pendola@reliant.org)

    Unknown User (kate.pendola@reliant.org) - add collapsable headings for each specific missionary type & hours to the top of this page. Keep the full benefits chart at the bottom, so people can compare/contrast benefits for various missionary type/hours categories.

  3. Unknown User (ed.courtney@reliant.org)

    Kerry Housley I think this page would go better in the New Partner section once it's launched because it applies to people who are new to Reliant, not to current missionaries. Thoughts?

    1. I agree. It seems like the same idea as some of the benefits information on the resources section of the hub - but much more thorough and extensive. Great work on this ladies and gent!

      1. Unknown User (ed.courtney@reliant.org)

        Just let Kate/Keva know if/when you move it so they can update the link in the Hub.

        1. I could also do a page include in the New Partners section - if that's better? I guess we can cross that bridge when we come to it because Keva & I haven't had or meeting yet where we're talking through all these things (how the Hub interacts with New Partners space on Solomon, etc).

    2. Hey guys, just catching up to this convo. This page was actually built for new missionaries. They will be linked to this benefits info within their offer letter. 

      For the sake of Solomon, I don't care where you put it, as long as it's in an area of the field manual that's not hidden to the outside world. 

  4. Unknown User (ed.courtney@reliant.org)

    Barb Seckler Tonya Bartels This page is a link that new missionaries can access when they are accepting their offers of employment. I updated with our new intern/resident tracks. I think the info is good, but if you can look it over, that would be great.

    1. Tonya Bartels Unknown User (ed.courtney@reliant.org) - looks good to me but I'm not sure about the 5-12 month interns not receiving Group Term Life & Long-Term Disability.  Tonya Bartels you may be more familiar with that policy?

      1. Barb Seckler Can you email me a list of who they are?   If they are short term that extended they would not be eligible until they hit a year.  I did not process very many of the interns this year, Emmanuel processed the insurance portions so it is possible that some just got missed but I will have to look them up to be able to give you answers.

        1. Unknown User (ed.courtney@reliant.org)

          Tonya Bartels This page is for people when they are accepting their offer with Reliant. It gives them an idea of what benefits to expect. I think Barb was saying she's unsure of whether our 5-12 month interns are covered under Group Term Life and Long-Term Disability

        2. Barb Seckler take two...they are usually not eligible until they hit the year mark.  

          1. Thanks for clarifying Tonya Bartels - yes that was my question.  Question answered.  Thumbs up Unknown User (ed.courtney@reliant.org) - I believe this is accurate.

  5. Not to throw a wrench into it, but I thought that anyone we at least offered Medical Insurance to (5+ months) was offered GTL and LTD. Could be wrong about that.

    Also, what would we do with the 2 year interns? Are they eligible from the start?

    What about someone who starts as a 1 year intern and then adds a second year?

    1. Mike Swann we have not been enrolling 5+ months into GTL and LTD.  Honestly we don't have very many missionaries that fall into this category, those that do are usually extending their summer internships.  If they are a year or more they are enrolled from the start if they are PT30 or above, including the 2 year residents.  If they were a 1 year they would have already been enrolled.  The part we have to be aware of and watch is when a 1 year changes to a 2 year and they waived medical, they can't waive for any reason at that point.  

  6. Okay, so Unknown User (ed.courtney@reliant.org), this is where is gets tricky. Tonya BartelsBarb Seckler and/or user-1a794 please confirm

    5 months - 11 months (Would include Grace 9 month interns):

    • Medical Insurance: Opt out for any reason
    • GTL/LTD: None

    12 months exactly:

    • Medical Insurance: Opt out for any reason
    • GTL/LTD: Yes

    Anything over 12 months:

    • Medical Insurance: Yes, with regular exceptions
    • GTL/LTD: Yes


    Am I correct on this?

    1. Mike Swann I thought the category was 5 to 9 months, and then 9-12, at least on the waiver it says 9 to 12 months can waive for any reason.  The Grace 9 month interns have LTD and GTL.

  7. Okay... so... let's see if this is right. If I am reading it correctly, I don't think we need any additional categories and this could clean things up

    4 months or less:

    • Medical: No
    • GTL/LTD: No

    5 months - 12 months (Would include Grace 9 month interns):

    • Medical Insurance: Opt out for any reason
    • GTL/LTD: Yes

    Anything over 12 months:

    • Medical Insurance: Yes, with regular exceptions
    • GTL/LTD: Yes
  8. Hey, everyone (Kerry HousleyBarb SecklerCJ White Joshua Dull Mike Swann Mike Easton Jon Crawford ) - this page is a great resource for many reasons. Specifically, we reference this page when we send offer letters. We have changed our offer letter language to "employment type" rather than "missionary type." I wanted to start a conversation here to see how other program teams are addressing this and make sure this page reflects all program teams' language. My initial thought was to swap out "missionary" for "employment" when referencing categories and something else when referencing the individual (e.g. "goer"). Any thoughts?

    1. The international team doesn't reference this much, but I can see how it would be helpful when there are a lot of different categories within a program. Sometimes we refer to our international people as Goers, but I don't think that term fits across the board and something like "worker" is probably better overall.

      1. Kerry Housley  So I have a proposal that I want to bring to Ops that probably won't happen until January that is related to this topic, I am guessing that is why you tagged me (smile). Introducing "employment classes." I don't want to muddy the waters based on the intent of Beka Cashmer's inquiry, but I have thoughts and ideas that I would like to talk through. Also, it would be good for where we land to be connected to what we use for data entry so that my team knows what to do with the information we receive. I know that they are in the process of configuring Dynamics, and it would be good to have it set up the way we want/need it to be. 

    2. I second "worker" too, especially since we'll be using it more at corporately. 

      1. Tonya Bartels Kerry Housley- that makes sense. I'm not going to make any updates to this page now. Please know that we do provide this page as a resource when we send offer letters. Our offer letter references "employment type" to point residents to what type of "intern" level/benefits to look at. We (FT team) feel confident that residents will not be confused with how it reads now, so we're fine waiting to make any changes. So good to get feedback about using "worker" when referencing the individual as well. Thanks, everyone!

  9. Barb Seckler Kerry Housley This page references 401k. We share this at time of offer so folks can prepare and know their eligible benefits. Would we be able to update this page or (for now) put a warning box at the top that explains this page includes outdated retirement information and to go to XX page for current 403(b)(9) benefit details?