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Level 1: Level 1 is considered the US normal, and as a standard of practice, should not apply to individuals and teams serving internationally. 

Level 2: International normal readiness level. Standard overseas threat level. Level 2 situations are taken care of locally by the field team

Level 3: Local Field Team manages the situation, but the team informs Reliant's International Crisis Manager by reporting the international incident so that Reliant can evaluate the situation. Typically at this level, the incident is localized and on a smaller scale. Reliant would not know of the incident without the field team informing us. Reliant would like to hear that "we are fine" and be available to help evaluate the situation and provide assistance if needed. 

Level 4:  Local Field Team still mostly manages the situation. As soon as possible, the team informs Reliant's International Crisis Manager by reporting the international incident and Reliant's ICMT is now actively involved in the decision-making and helping the field team directly. 

Level 5: Management of the crisis is now beyond the capacity of the local field team to manage independently. Reliant's International Crisis Management Team or its pre-approved delegate is now managing the situation until the Local Field Team returns to a position to do so themselves. This is a major crisis resulting in ongoing disruption to field operations or the threat now inhibits the ability of the team to safely continue. 

Specific Readiness Level To Determine Next Steps

Level 5Level 4Level 3Level 2

Declaration of war with significant anticipated effects in the country/region of operation

War seriously discussed in the political climate with calls for immediate action or significant acts of war targeting the country/region of operation

Armed conflict not located within the country/region of operation or acts of war are in the realm of political rhetoric

Generalized political disagreements

Steps to Reduce Probability and Consequences

  1. Practice situational awareness (Color Codes for Situational Awareness) and communicate routinely with the team leader
  2. Be prepared to activate other contingency plans if situations arise
  3. If additional contingencies occur, strongly consider immediate evacuation

Applicable Corporate Policies

Crisis Resolution Protocol

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