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This page will show you how to review the elements of your support goal. Your support goal is a combination of your salary, ministry expenses, administrative fees, attrition buffer, taxes, and your 403(b)(9).

How to Create a NEW Support Goal (for the first time)

Log Into Toolbox

Log into toolbox.Reliant.org using your Reliant email and password used to log into other Reliant sites. 

Select Support Goals

Select Support Goals from the menu (bottom left)

Click Create New Goal

Click the Create Your First Goal button on the Support Goals page. (or the Create button if you have made a goal previously)

Build Out Your Support Goal

You have options to choose from when building out your support goal. Career Ministry workers should be able to select:
  • Month Effective

    • Please select the month that you wish for this support goal to take effect.

  • Salary

    • First, select how many hours you intend to work and input that in the first box.
      • (If you are changing hours, please submit a change form at this time.)
    • Next, select the annual salary you want to approve (you can see your max approval to the right)
    • Note: You can accept a lower salary than offered, but not one that is higher
    • If you have a FICA bonus, your offered salary has been cleaned up in Toolbox and works slightly differently.
      • Toolbox will add your FICA bonus to your salary in your final goal. 
      • In the past, in Staffnet, we would offer you a salary that had salary and FICA combined, and Staffnet would subtract out FICA.
      • Now we offer you a salary before the FICA bonus, and we add the bonus on top of that, which is more logical and mirrors how FICA should work.
      • Please reach out to your liaison if you run into questions.

  • Subsidies

    • Let us know the MONTHLY amount that your sponsor church is committing
      • This will be assessed at a lower admin fee 
    • Please let us know if you are getting a monthly subsidy from Reliant
      • If you are unsure, please enter 0 for now and reach out to your team liaison
      • If you know you are not, please enter 0

  • Benefits

    • Select your medical insurance option
      • NOTE: This will come out of the MTD account you're responsible for each month, NOT deducted from your monthly paycheck.
      • If none is needed, please select no medical insurance
        • NOTE: you will need to fill out a waiver form to show proof of other insurance coverage
    • Select your dental coverage
      • NOTE: This will come out of the MTD account you're responsible for each month, NOT deducted from your monthly paycheck. 
    • Select your Retirement Fund Monthy Contribution. This is the amount you plan to have subtracted from your paycheck.
      • To the right, you will see your contribution max. This is the maximum amount Reliant will match from the account you are responsible for based on 5% of your eligible wages.
        • NOTE: This employer contribution match will added to your support goal, as it will come from the MTD account you're responsible for, NOT from Reliant Central Budget
        • NOTE: Changing the contribution amount on the support goal does not change how much Reliant withholds from your paycheck. Since Reliant's 403(b)(9) plan is managed by Principal, go to the Principal site to update any changes to your 403(b)(9) contributions. (See Changes to Contributions for additional help.)
        • NOTE: See 403(b)(9) Retirement Plan for additional information

  • Expenses

    • Select the amount you want as a ministry expense bonus to show up in your paycheck.
    • Select the amount for your mobile phone to be paid out in your paycheck
    • Make an estimate on how much you plan to reimburse each month
      • NOTE: This is an estimate to ensure you are raising the amount of funds needed to cover this number each month

Things to know before submitting a fixed goal:

  • Fixed goals are built to calculate expenses for a resident/intern with predetermined start and end dates (e.g. 24 months).
  • Fixed goals can have a number of expenses and one-time costs, all dependent on your program's specific parameters.
  • If an expense listed below is not on your Support Goal Calculator, it is not an offered or required expense for your program.
  • *Residents/interns under the Fixed Term Program Team will receive an Employment Parameters document at training that outlines their program details.

Start with the Goal Summary

With your Support Goal Calculator pulled up in Toolbox, we encourage you to start by reviewing the Goal Summary first. You may find required fees listed here that are not part of the calculator (because they are required).
You can continue to check on the Goal Summary as you make changes to the calculator.

We encourage you to start by reviewing the goal summary first. You may find required fees listed here that are not part of the calculator (because they are required). You can continue to check on the Goal Summary as you make changes to the calculator.

Be sure to expand each section by clicking on the section headers (see highlights):

Select the month in which the submitted information should take effect.
Must be a future month within processing deadlines. A red box will outline this field if the input is invalid.

  1. Select how many hours were offered and accepted to work from the dropdown.
  2. Input the annual salary you have accepted to receive (must be within max approved shown to the right).
    1. Note: You can accept a lower salary than offered, but not one that is higher.
    2. Supervisor approval may be required to approve a salary that is different from what was offered.

Learn about how benefits at Reliant work here.

  1. Select your medical insurance coverage
    1. NOTE: This will come out of the MTD account you're responsible for each month; it is NOT deducted from your monthly paycheck.
    2. If you select "No medical insurance," you will be asked to show proof of other insurance coverage at a later date.
  2. Select your dental insurance coverage
    1. NOTE: This will come out of the MTD account you're responsible for account each month; it is NOT deducted from your monthly paycheck.

  • This is an optional bonus paid out on the earliest possible payday after your hire date
  • Example: If your hire date is set for August 1, your first natural paycheck won't come until September 15. To avoid no pay for six weeks, you can elect to receive a startup bonus (one extra month of pay) on the 15th of the month you are hired.
  • Learn about the purpose of a moving bonus here
  • This is most often paid out with your initial paycheck
  • Must be part of program parameters to be eligible to receive
    • If it's not part of your program's parameters, you shouldn't see this as a one-time cost option.
  • Learn more about Reliant's Continuing Education benefit and process here
  • Must be part of program parameters to be eligible to receive
    • If it's not part of your program's parameters, you shouldn't see this as a one-time cost option.

Please review your goal summary to see required fees, if any. Required one-time costs will not show within the calculator since they are not variable.

  • Some program parameters include program fees (required or optional) determined by the program supervisor
  • Reliant works with program supervisors to schedule a time when these fees are pulled. Please talk to your supervisor with questions and concerns regarding program fees.

Monthly Ministry Expense Bonus

  • A monthly taxable bonus in addition to gross pay
  • Intended use: Personal expenses incurred for ministry-related items
  • Reliant does not track expenses related to the Ministry Expense Bonus

Monthly HSA (Health Savings Account) Ministry Expense Bonus

  • A monthly bonus in addition to gross pay
  • In addition to this needing to be in your program's parameters, you must also be on Reliant-provided insurance to opt into the HSA bonus
  • Intended use: To contribute additional funds to your HSA account with Reliant (from MTD funds raised to the account you're responsible for)
    • Reminder: If you're enrolled in a Reliant health benefit plan, some funds are already being contributed via your health insurance premium. Learn more here.

Monthly 403(b)(9) Retirement EMPLOYER Contributions

Employee Contributions

A 403(b)(9) goal selection DOES NOT affect the actual contribution through Principal.com. You will need to log into your retirement account on Principal and make actual changes there.

  • For Fixed Term program team residents/interns, see your Employment Parameters for 403(b)(9) options and instructions. Questions? Email fixedterm@reliant.org.
  • For Collegiate or U.S. Churches program team residents/interns, please reach out to your liaison for your options. You may find this retirement Solomon page helpful.

*NOTE: Retirement fund matches will come from the MTD account you're responsible for every month, NOT from Reliant Central Budget nor your gross paycheck.

Only Submit New Goals with Finalized Information

Please only hit the "Submit" button at the bottom of the Support Goal Calculator if your selections are approved if needed and final to the best of your knowledge. Hitting "Submit" may prompt Reliant Central to take action on any changes (e.g. a salary change).

Submit Your Goal

Once you have finalized your selections, click the Submit button at the bottom of the calculator. A Reliant representative will review and approve this goal within 3-5 business days. 

Only Submit New Goals with Finalized Information

Please only hit the "Submit" button at the bottom of the Support Goal Calculator if your selections are approved if needed and final to the best of your knowledge. Hitting "Submit" may prompt Reliant Central to take action on any changes (e.g. a salary change).

Check and Confirm Your Goal Looks Correct

Once you have submitted your goal and it has been approved, you can see it in detail if you click on the Support Goal menu on your toolbox dashboard. This image has had Monthly Costs and Fees expanded so you may have to do the same at first. 

FAQ for Support Goals

Why won’t it let me submit my goal?
Look through your goal for an orange box. It may be showing you there is an error. Correct all orange boxes and try to resubmit. 
Why am I seeing an orange box?
You see an orange box because something you are typing in is not within the boundaries the support goal calculator allows. If you think you are getting this orange box in an error, please contact your liaison. 
My salary is higher / lower than it should be.
Make sure you have put in the correct hours. When you change your hours, your annual salary will reflect worked hours. Remember that changing your hours on the Support Goal Calculator does not change your hours. You must submit a change form to change your hours.

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