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International Worker PTO (Paid Time Off) Policy

Paid Time Off

Paid Time Off (PTO) covers all vacations, time needed for personal appointments, and sick time. Placing all time-off hours into a single "bucket" allows employees flexibility in using their paid time off. Reliant believes that time away from one's profession should be provided to employees for rest. Paid Time Off is an opportunity for employees to get away from the pressures of the workplace and enables employees to return to the job healthy, refreshed, and ready to take on new challenges.

As an international worker, you are entitled to PTO and Holidays throughout the year. Although Reliant has set guidelines and accrual policies, it is up to you (the international worker) and your supervisor to track your PTO and Holidays. Reliant does not track PTO and you do not need to report your time off to Reliant. The following parameters are a guide to help you steward your time well, which includes both being diligent workers AND making times of rest and refreshment a priority. PTO is in addition to normal weekly rhythms of rest. The following information does not cover your regular days off in a given week. Supervisors may extend additional times of rest at their discretion, especially given the nature of international ministry.

PTO Accrual Guidelines for International Missionaries

Number of Completed Years

Hourly Monthly Accrual

Equivalent Days per Year

0 to 3 years10 hours15 days
3+ to 10 years13.33 hours20 days
10+ to 20 years16.67 hours25 days
20+ years20 hours30 days
PTO Yearly Carry Over

The calendar year for PTO is January 1 through December 31. Up to 60 hours of unused PTO may be carried forward to the following year. Reliant limits carryover to 60 hours in order to encourage employees to utilize their allotted PTO for health, rest and relaxation. Because internationally-based employees receive a "Re-entry bonus" at the end of their time on the field, we do not pay out unused PTO.

PTO Approval

All PTO requests must be approved by a local supervisor prior to using PTO other than for illness. Employees are urged to provide adequate advance notice of PTO requests to their local supervisor. An employee may use PTO that the employee has not yet earned and accrued, but that will be earned and accrued during that same calendar year, if the employee obtains the prior approval of their supervisor. We discourage you from taking planned PTO during important ministry seasons or events.

Taking Holidays as an International Worker

As an international worker working abroad, you are given ten holidays during the year. We understand that you may wish to take your holidays at different times during the year that are not the traditional holidays celebrated in the US. For example, you may want to work on a day like Labor Day and, instead, take off a National holiday that is observed in the country you are living in. It is encouraged that you arrange these days off in conjunction with the local ministry you are working with. We discourage taking holidays on days that may include an important ministry event.

Scheduled Holidays
  1. New Year's Day
  2. Good Friday
  3. Memorial Day
  4. Independence Day
  5. Labor Day
  6. Thanksgiving Day
  7. Thanksgiving Friday
  8. Christmas Eve Day
  9. Christmas Day
  10. New Year's Eve Day
Holidays that Fall on Weekends

If a holiday falls on a Sunday, it will generally be observed the following Monday. If the holiday falls on a Saturday, either the following Monday or the preceding Friday may be substituted as the observed holiday at Reliant's discretion. If a two-day holiday falls on a weekend, either the two days before or after the weekend may be substituted at Reliant's discretion. Each employee should consult with their supervisor to make appropriate arrangements.

PTO during Stateside Time

Home Assignment (also called furlough, or stateside time) is generally considered part of your job responsibilities and not PTO or vacation time. However, we extend an extra week of PTO during a furlough year in order to accommodate additional time with family and friends. 

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