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Addresses for overseas workers

Reliant keeps four types of addresses on file for those working with the International Program Team.

  1. US Permanent Address - Where Reliant mails important documents, including tax forms and annual reports
  2. International Mailing Address - Where you receive mail while living overseas (it may or may not be the same as where you live)
  3. International Residence Address - The physical address of your international residence. If this is different than your mailing address, we will not contact you here, except in the event of an emergency situation.
  4. Temporary Address - If you are residing and working in a temporary location, please use this form to indicate the address of the temporary location.  You can elect to receive mail or not receive mail at this location. The temporary location information provided will be used by Reliant to determine whether this triggers a change to your tax settings. 

Additionally, you will update your precise GPS location (latitude, longitude) in your Crisis Management workbook. You can update it there when your international residence changes. 

If married to a Reliant worker, please fill out a separate form for each spouse. 

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