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Standard Name:Standards of Conduct
Scope:All Staff, Associates, and Volunteers
Revision Date:January 5, 2022
Last Review Date:June 15, 2023

Reliant is a Christian organization committed to honoring God and upholding the standards of conduct described in God's holy word, the Bible. As a nonprofit religious organization, Reliant requires that its employees agree to its statement of faith and follow specific Biblical standards of conduct and practice as a condition of employment. The Bible provides clear commands and guidelines for proper and improper behavior of those who profess to follow Jesus Christ. Therefore, Reliant requires that all employees follow the standards of conduct for disciples of Christ set forth in the Bible and expressly reserves the right to discipline or terminate any employee found to violate such Biblical standards.This section of the Field Manual discusses some of the standards of conduct required by Reliant of all employees and provides some selected examples of misconduct that will normally result in discipline or termination. The standards of conduct and any specific examples provided in this manual are for illustrative purposes only. This list is not all-inclusive of every situation where Reliant may impose discipline. There may arise incidents in which discipline, up to and including termination, is necessary that are not covered by these standards or examples. In these situations, Reliant will impose appropriate discipline. Reliant expressly reserves the right to discipline or terminate for conduct not listed in this manual and for any or no reason, with or without notice.

Discipline Procedure

Employee discipline will normally be administered first by the employee's local supervisor, in the form of either a verbal or a written warning. More serious discipline will normally be administered by Reliant in conjunction with the local supervisor.

At-Will Employment and Termination

Because all employment with Reliant is on an "at-will" basis unless there is a specific written employment contract that provides otherwise, employment may be terminated by the employee or by Reliant at any time, with or without cause and with or without notice. Reliant expressly reserves the right to terminate an employee's employment at any time for any reason or no reason at all.

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