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Policy Name:Misuse of Ministry Influence
Scope:All Staff and Associates
Revision Date: February 17, 2021
Last Review Date:May 26, 2023

1. Summary

1.1 Reliant is committed to high standards of ethical, moral, and legal conduct and expressly prohibits the misuse of ministry influence, including spiritual abuse, by employees or volunteers. Any employee or volunteer of Reliant who engages in any conduct constituting misuse of ministry influence may be subject to appropriate disciplinary action, up to and including immediate termination of employment or volunteer service.

2. Misuse of Ministry Influence

2.1 Reliant employees and volunteers have an obligation to respect the trust and influence that result from their ministry position, and to not take advantage of that trust and influence. A misuse of ministry influence may arise when a Reliant employee or volunteer uses the trust built through ministry means for personal gain or gratification. Reliant employees or volunteers must not misuse or abuse their position of influence, nor the trust established through Reliant ministry. (Questions about particular situations can be directed to your Reliant Program Lead.)

2.2 Spiritual abuse occurs when a person uses his or her spiritual position to control or dominate another person. It typically includes the misuse of Scripture or the claim of some form of direct revelation or ‘leading’ from God to shame, manipulate, or otherwise inappropriately influence others. In many cases, the spiritual leader overrides the feelings and opinions of another, without regard to the other person’s well-being. Here, power is used to bolster the position or needs of a spiritual leader over and above one who comes to that leader in need. Reliant employees and volunteers must not misuse their real or perceived position of spiritual authority.

3. Complaint Procedure

3.1 It is the responsibility of every Reliant employee and volunteer to report violations of this policy and/or concerns relating to misuse of ministry influence. The complaint procedure is outlined in the Suspected Misconduct and/or Fraud, and Whistleblower Protection policy. All sections of that policy apply to reports of misuse of ministry influence.