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Policy & Procedure Name:Dating 
Scope:All Staff and Associates
Revision Date: February 17, 2021
Last Review Date:March 15, 2023

1. Summary

1.1 The purpose of this policy is to outline Reliant’s guidelines on employees forming personal relationships with one another. While Reliant does not desire to prevent the development of such relationships between employees, it is still important to establish boundaries as to how such relationships are conducted within a work, and ministry, environment, in order to avoid misunderstandings, actual or potential conflicts of interest, sexual harassment, and/or problems with favoritism and employee morale.

1.2 Individuals in supervisory or managerial roles, and those with authority over other employees’ terms and conditions of employment, are subject to more stringent requirements under this policy due to their supervisory/managerial status, their access to sensitive information, and their ability to affect the employment of individuals in subordinate positions. 

1.3 In addition, Reliant employees are urged to use extreme caution whenever a romantic relationship develops with a person within their sphere of ministry (e.g., college student, congregant, ministry client, ministry volunteer). Employees must be aware of the potential negative effect on their ministry that can result from such behavior.

1.4 Employees who disregard this policy will be subject to disciplinary action, up to and including termination from employment.

2. Procedures

  1. Reliant employees ministering to college and/or high school students are prohibited from any manner of romantic relationship with, or engaging in any activity that expresses a romantic interest in, a person under the age of 18.
  2. Romantic relationships are likewise prohibited between employees when one party has supervisory duties over the other, or when the terms and conditions of employment (including, but not limited to, pay raises, promotions, and advancement) for one employee could potentially be affected by the other.
  3. Employee “off-duty” conduct is generally regarded as private, as long as such conduct does not create problems within the workplace, or violate Reliant’s Code of Conduct. However, romantic relationships, or engaging in any activity that expresses a romantic interest, between supervisors and subordinates of any age, or between employees and congregants/ministry participants under the age of 18 are prohibited, both “on” and “off” duty.
  4. Any Reliant employee must disclose the existence of a romantic relationship with any other Reliant employee or any individual within the sphere of Reliant’s ministry (e.g., college student, congregant, ministry client, ministry volunteer). Disclosure may be made to the individual’s immediate supervisor, or to the HR Compliance Officer. Reliant reserves the right to determine in all cases whether the circumstances create any conflict of interest.
  5. When a conflict of interest or potential risk is identified by Reliant as a result of a Reliant employee’s relationship with another Reliant employee, or any individual within the sphere of Reliant’s ministry, Reliant will work with the parties involved to consider options for resolving the issue. The initial solution may ensure that the parties no longer work together on matters where one is able to influence the other or take employment actions that affect the other. In some cases, other measures may be necessary, such as transfer of one or both parties to other positions. If one or both parties refuse to accept a reasonable solution, such refusal will be deemed a voluntary resignation.
  6. Employees who allow personal relationships with other Reliant employees, or individuals within the sphere of Reliant’s ministry, to adversely affect the work environment will be subject to Reliant’s disciplinary policy. Failure to change behavior and maintain expected work responsibilities will be viewed as a serious disciplinary matter.
  7. Failure to cooperate with Reliant to resolve a conflict or issue identified by Reliant as caused by a romantic relationship between employees, individuals within the sphere of ministry, or among managers, supervisors, or others in positions of authority may be deemed insubordination and result in disciplinary action up to and including termination.
  8. Where doubts exist as to the specific meaning of the terms used above, employees should address them with the HR Compliance Officer.
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