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If you are new to Reliant and transitioning from another partner organization, there are a number of things to consider when moving current supporters to Reliant. This page will walk you through these considerations and teach you how to guide supporters through this transition.

In this page, you will find: 

Simple Steps

Establish a deadline to transition. This is the date by which all current donors should have their giving transferred to Reliant. 

Answering these questions will help you establish this deadline:

  • If so, work with your current leadership and Reliant to determine strategic timing of the gift transition so you do not have an interruption in income. You may need to involve Reliant's payroll team to get accurate take-home pay calculations and payroll deadlines.
  • On what date will recurring gifts be automatically be shut off by your current organization? 
  • If there is no end date, establish one. End date should correspond with your timeline for your first paycheck (see question 1). If that's also not a factor, make up an end date. Recommended end date: 4-6 WEEKS after you complete your training with Reliant. 

(We call this being Released to Assignment

  • If you have a reporting date, usually 100% of your recurring support must be raised before that date. Considering this date, establish your deadline for current supporters to transfer their giving at least two months before your reporting date.  
  • Pro tip: The longer you wait to transition current donors, the longer it will take you to raise the rest of your support. We're not sure why this phenomenon happens, but if you'd like to be released to your ministry assignment in the near future, moving your donors over sooner, rather than later, is a sure-fire way to get that momentum going. 
Don't make the deadline you communicate to your donors so close to your actual payroll deadline that you're short-checked when some donors miss the deadline. Give your people room to miss a deadline, to be reminded by you a couple times, and for everything to still be ok. 

Inform your donors of the deadline and the details.

When sharing transition information with supporters, it is recommended to meet with them face-to-face (that could be in person or via video call). Start with the donors who have supported you the longestThis is a chance to acknowledge their impact, envision them for the next step, introduce Reliant, encourage them to seek the Lord on if now is the time to increase their giving, and ask for their help in connecting you to new people. 

  • Acknowledge their impact - Encourage supporters with what God has been doing in your current ministry assignment and how their giving has made a deep impact. 
  • Envision the next step
  • Introduce Reliant
  • Include your "transition by" date (see Step 1) and step-by-step instructions on how to move their giving. Include how to end their current giving and start giving with Reliant.
  • Let them know you'll personally reach out with a phone call within the next week to answer any questions or walk them through the process. You may want to send out your emails in batches so you don't have to call everyone at once.  
  • See sample emails below

This is a follow-up to the email. This is a great time to encourage them to pray about increasing their giving and connecting you with others. These resources will teach you how: 

  • Be prepared to summarize your email's content on this call. Not everyone will have read your letter. 
  • Acknowledge their impact - Encourage supporters with what God has been doing in your current ministry assignment and how their giving has made a deep impact. 
  • Envision the next step
  • "Is the Lord encouraging you to increase your impact?"
  • "Who do you know that I should know?" 
  • "If you have about 7-10 minutes right now, I can walk you through the gift transition process. Then we get to check it off of both of our lists. Can we go ahead and take care of that now?" Offer this assistance any time you get a donor on the phone (ending the giving on one side and starting their giving with Reliant). 
  • See sample call scripts below.

Follow up. Then follow up some more. 

It usually takes 7 times for someone to hear a message before they take action. Plan for at least 5 (yes, FIVE) MORE connections/ reminders after your initial email and phone call.  

Sample scripts

Secret Sauce

When asked what inspired their donors to move their giving to Reliant, most missionaries say this is the secret sauce: Giving a deadline and following up. 

https://reliant.org/caleb.christman served in Mexico for a number of years, then the Lord called them to plant a church in Delph, Netherlands. Here's what worked for them in moving their donors from their former organization to Reliant: 

  1. Set up a phone or video call to connect with them and personally update them. 
  2. Followed up with a very detailed email on how to close-out giving with our current organization and how to transition giving to Reliant. We included deadlines of when to do so.
  3. As the deadline approached, we sent a reminder text.  
  4. Once the deadline happened, we sent a reminder text a week later.
  5. After a week, if they had not transitioned their giving, we gave it a bit of a break and checked-in around 2 weeks after that. 
    *Our goal was to have our donors transitioned by Nov. 1st. 90% make that deadline, with the remaining 10% by sometime in December.
  6. For the remaining 10%, we kept praying for them as well as following up. At first, we did this weekly, then every couple of weeks, then once a month, then honestly, it was the Lord who finished stirring hearts to get the remaining stragglers to transfer their gifts. 

Martha Moore moved from being supported by the IMB to raising her own support with Reliant. Here's how she transitioned some of her prayer partners to financial ministry partners: 

Mainly my communication was more of a NEW "ramp up" -- would you be on my team? And the classic (but great) way of making appointments and giving an MTD/ MPD presentation. The shift was not a "I like you Martha and already support you-- so now let's switch giving..." BUT instead it was "I like you and you're already supported thru IMB -- oh oops-- now you're NOT supported and it's not sort of "automatic" that you can serve in Europe unless this giving with Reliant happens? OK!" The key, for me, was communicating how important it was that I even START with Reliant.

There was more explanation necessary, because they were NOT used to my needing funds. AND I was also trying to be careful to explain good reasons for my switch of organizations, not throwing any "dirt" on anyone, but also showing that God was leading me in this new SEASON, where Reliant was a better FIT for this type of ministry.

I had three months to make the change, raise the support and get back to the Netherlands. Here's what I feel helped the most in support-raising: 

  1. Communicate urgency. Give a deadline. I know we want each giver to decide during, or soon after, the MPD appointment-- however, my short timeline to get BACK on the field helped. 
  2. Over- communicate. And of course see and check if the giving is happening / going to the right spot.

Sample Scripts

Most donors will need 5-7 follow-up prompts from you in order to complete the task of transitioning their giving. Here are samples of what to say:

Ultimately, your goal is to share your joy, give instructions, and open the door for upcoming interaction.

Below are some elements you may choose to include in your letter. You will also find a sample letter.

  1. Acknowledge their impact - Encourage supporters with what God has been doing in your current ministry assignment and how their giving has made a deep impact. 
  2. Help them see and feel the benefit of the change.

    1. What were the needs felt by your ministry previously that are being met in this new arrangement?
    2. How will you be better freed up for your calling?
  3. Introduce Reliant and share what interaction with Reliant brings to your ministry partners.

    1. Safe and secure online resources that allow them to give electronically.
    2. Gift services team available, M-F, 9am - 5pm, EDT.
    3. Financial accountability
    4. Because Reliant is a registered 501c3, their giving is tax-deductible
  4. Provide concrete specifics: *see sample below
    1. If you need new connections or an increase in support, tell them.
    2. Deadlines and how those dates impact you. 
    3. Emphasize your "transition by" deadline (see sample below).  This is the first date of their new gift with Reliant. Include step-by-step instructions on how to end their current giving and start giving with Reliant. 
    4. Walk them through how to give on the website OR give them an envelope, How to Start Giving form, etc. 
  5. Ask partners to move with you. *see sample below

    1. “Would you continue this journey with me by moving your giving?" 

  6. Commit to reaching out personally. *see sample below
    1. Let them know you'll call within the next week to answer any questions or walk them through the process. 
    2. Pro tip: Send out your emails in batches so you don't have to call everyone at once.  
  7. Share ways people can be praying
  8. Consider including a letter of endorsement from the organization you're entering into. See "Letter of Endorsement" below for more info.

Sample Letter 

*this sample is only a portion of what could be in your letter. See above for guidance on additional areas to include in your letter. 

As one of our financial supporters through (ministry name), we want to share how grateful we are for all of your faithful giving over the years! As part of the process of transitioning to (new assignment) with Reliant Mission, we will continue with (ministry name) through May. During this time, we will train the locals who will be taking our place in ministry and will also meet with our partners. In order to finish strong, we need all our ministry partners to move their recurring giving over to Reliant by May 30th. 

After years of ministry, our desire really is to have a core team who invests deeply in the ministry and we're able to invest deeply into them. Right now, what that looks like is us stepping out in faith and asking our partners to seek the Lord on if they can increase their giving to $200 monthly, or some other amount. May I encourage you to use this time to pray over your giving and discover if the Lord is asking you to increase your impact? We are thankful for and rely on your faithful investment to keep us going in full-time Kingdom work! 

Important dates to remember:

  • May 30 is the deadline to move your recurring giving over to Reliant (link the word "Reliant" to your Reliant giving page). This is very important as it helps insure we don't have an interruption in needed income. 
  • May 30-July 31. Additional gifts sent in to (ministry name) during this time will help cover moving expenses, backpay, reimbursements or other expenses.
  • July 31 recurring gifts with (ministry name) will automatically be shut off. 

It takes about 8 minutes to cancel your giving with (ministry name) and start it with Reliant. Can I encourage you to take 8 minutes right now to continue journeying with us by moving your  ministry giving?

Here's how: 

  1. (How to cancel gift with current ministry)
  2. Pray! This is a great time to pray over your giving and discover if the Lord is asking you to increase your support or give a special gift. 
  3. Go to (your Reliant giving page link goes here). 
    1. Click the green "Give Now" button
    2. Enter the amount, frequency, and date of your recurring gift *The 5th or 20th of the month is offered for auto-drafts. 
    3. Click "Create an Account"
    4. Enter payment details *Giving through bank account is preferred as it avoids credit/debit card fees. 

If you have any questions about any this, please reach out to us. We love to hear from you!

Speaking about hearing from each other, we will be reaching out within the next week with a phone call. As our partner in this adventure we're on with the Lord, we want to have a chance to hear your heart, answer any questions and talk about our future together in ministry. Part of this conversation will include an encouragement for you to seek the Lord on His direction for your giving. As we seek to increase our impact, we'd like to encourage you to seek Him on how you might increase your impact as well. This not only includes giving, but could also mean connecting us with others or committing to pray over us for a determined time.

We are so grateful for your work with is in ministering the gospel to a broken world. And we are excited to see what the Lord has for each of us in this next, new chapter of ministry! 

You may want to consider including a letter of endorsement from the organization you're entering into that partners with Reliant. This may provide your current donors with more reassurance regarding your new partner organization.

  1. Format of letter of endorsement:
    • Affirmation of the great ministry of this missionary and evidence of how God has used them (preferably a story). (3-5 sentences)
    • Unique opportunities for the next season of ministry. (1-2 sentences)
    • Affirmation of the ministry’s partnership with Reliant. Example script:
      • As leadership of _______, we discovered we weren’t able to fully serve our ministers in the capacity we felt the Lord leading us. We looked for better options. We are very impressed by the expertise of Reliant and believe both we, as leaders of ___ and ____ whom you have supported, will be better able to follow the Lord’s calling through a partnership with Reliant.
      • Please continue your partnership on ___’s ministry team by supporting their vital work by transitioning your giving to their new sending organization, Reliant Mission. 

The phone call after the letter is essential. Don't miss this step. 

It gives you a delightful connection point with your ministry partner and also expedites the transition process faster than any email/ text/ message can. . 

Hi! Glad you answered. I wanted to catch up and also let you know about some ministry changes coming soon. Is now a good time? 

(take some time to catch up personally and see how they are)

Not sure if you had a chance to read our email yet, but we have some big changes coming soon. (pause to get some indication on if they've read it. If they didn't read it, recap the change and why you're making it.)

  • You know how the Lord has been leading us toward xyz. Well, it's time for that transition! We are so excited to deepen our investment in (work of the gospel).
  • As part of the process of transitioning to (new assignment) with Reliant Mission, we will continue with (ministry name) through May. During this time, we will train the locals who will be taking our place in ministry and also get to take time to reconnect with our partners. In order to finish strong, we need all our ministry partners to move their recurring giving over to Reliant by May 30th.
  • Your financial partnership with us over the past x years has empowered us to (tell a story about how the donor has empowered you to impact someone's life with the gospel through their giving). And we wanted to ask if you would you continue this journey with us by moving your giving to our new sending organization?  (wait for response) 
  • Wonderful! We mentioned in our letter an encouragement to you to meet with the Lord about your giving and discover if He's encouraging you to increase your impact. After years of ministry, our desire really is to have a core team who invests deeply in the ministry and we're able to invest deeply into them. Right now, what that looks like is us stepping out in faith and asking our people to seek the Lord on if they can increase their giving to $200 monthly, or some other amount. I'm wondering if you have been led to be one of those anchor partners with us? (See The Invitation to Increase (Increase Ask) for more on how to do this and other sample scripts)
  • (if they know the amount they'll be giving) If you have about 7-10 minutes right now, I can walk you through the gift transition process. Then we get to check it off of both of our lists. Can we go ahead and take care of that now?
  • One last thing, over the years you've journeyed with us, I wonder if there's anyone you ever thought of introducing us to; or anyone you think would connect with our ministry and what we're doing? We are in a season where connecting with a few new people is crucial and I wonder if you might be in a position to make some of those connections? Who do you know that we should know? (also see How to Find New Names for more scripts.)
  • Acknowledge their impact and envision for the future. Having your partnership in this journey is an encouragement and a tremendous blessing. There are a lot of things you could be doing with your money, but the Lord's directed you to invest it here; to invest deeply in building His Kingdom. That's no small thing. I look forward to seeing what the Lord does with your faithfulness at (mission field)!  

Here's what to say if you call and have to leave a voicemail. 

(say this)

After leaving a voicemail, follow-up with this text message:

  • Link to your Reliant giving site. 
  • Include a deadline

(say this)

  • Link to your Reliant giving site. 
  • Include a deadline


For donors who wait until the last minute or those who have difficulty with technology, here are some helpful hints: 

There are a few options if someone has resistance or difficulty with setting up their giving online: 

  • OLD - Snail Mail Packet to Start Gift - this page will explain how they may set up a recurring gift via paper/ mail. 

  • Ask if you can schedule a 10-minute phone call to knock out this task. Schedule this during normal business hours. Once they're on the phone, explain you'll make a 3-way call with your former organization so they can cancel their current gift. Once that step is completed, ask if they'd prefer to set up their Reliant gift by phone or online.
    • Phone: Make a 3-way call to Reliant's Gift Services (407-986-5486) and let them know you have a new donor who wants to set up a recurring gift. You can exit the call when it's time for the donor to give their account and routing numbers to Gift Services.
    • Online: Navigate them to your page on Reliant's website, then walk them through the steps to set up their gift

Generally, 3-10% of your donors will miss the deadline. Plan for this. 

Here are some ways to help them accomplish the task: 

  • OLD - Snail Mail Packet to Start Gift - this page will explain how to set up a recurring gift via paper/ mail. 

  • Ask if you can set up a 10 minute phone call to knock out this task. Schedule this during normal business hours. Once they're on the phone, explain you'll make a 3-way call with your former organization so they can cancel their current gift. Once that step is completed, ask if they'd prefer to set up their Reliant gift by phone or online.
    • Phone: Make a 3-way call to Reliant's Gift Services (407-986-5486) and let them know you have a new donor who wants to set up a recurring gift. You can exit the call when it's time for the donor to give their account and routing numbers to Gift Services.
    • Online: Navigate them to your page on Reliant's website, then walk them through the steps to set up their gift

Who Can Help

If you have further questions, or would like individualized guidance, reach out to your MTD Coach or reach an MTD Specialist at MTD@Reliant.org 

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