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This Exit process is specifically for International workers and does not apply for interns/residents/fellows who are part of a Fixed-term Program or Collegiate Program.

If you are a Fixed-term employee or U.S.-based employee, please contact your liaison for Exiting instructions and information. 

The Exit process can take 30-60 days.

If you are planning to exit your International Field Assignment, start your exit conversation with international@reliant.org early. This applies to all types of exits:

Steps for Exiting your International Field

Please Note: These steps are not always completed in this exact order. It is best to familiarize yourself as much as possible with the process so that you can complete steps as they make sense in your situation. The most important thing is to keep us up-to-date regarding your plans. We know things may be ever-changing throughout this process of transition!

Communicating Exit and Confirming Important Dates (60 days+ before exiting the field)

1. Communicating Exit to Reliant

First, make sure to communicate your plan to exit with Reliant. Reach out to international@reliant.org 3-6 months before your intended exit to begin the conversation about exiting. We want to support these changes well. 

2. Determine your Exit Dates

*If you are unsure of your dates, go ahead and reach out to your International Liaison. We can work together to find a timeline that makes sense with your situation.

The International team can offer guidance in determining these important exit dates:

Notify DonorsDonors appreciate hearing from you 1-2 months before you return to the States. See below for guidance on drafting your letter.
Field Departure DateThe last day of ministry on the field is established with your supervisor.
Take Remaining PTOWe recommend using PTO before returning to the states because visiting and responding to donors often occurs soon after arrival. 
Re-entryRe-entry is the time between landing in the States and your last day of employment. It is typically 1-3 months depending on how long you've been overseas. You'll still be employed with Reliant and receive your full salary. Your job responsibilities will include attending a debrief, re-entry counseling as needed, and meeting with donors for a final update and celebration of all that God has done.
Attend DebriefTypically a 1-week debrief within 1-3 months after the last date of field ministry responsibilities have ended.
Last Day of Employment with ReliantLast day of insurance and benefits. For information regarding continuing coverage of benefits, visit International Continuance Coverage for Medical Insurance.
Last Normal Paycheck 

The month following the last day of employment with Reliant (on the 15th of that month).

MTD Account Closed to Incoming Gifts

The month following the last day of employment with Reliant (on the last day of that month). 

Last Paycheck for Backpay

The second month following the last day of employment with Reliant (on the 15th of that month).

Last Reimbursement Date

The second month following the last day of employment with Reliant (on the last business day of that month, as long as submitted by the appropriate deadline).

Example Timeline

This is an example of a typical exit timeline. We know each situation is unique and we will work with you to plan your transition to be as smooth as possible.

January 31Feb 1 - April 30April 30May 15May 31June 15June 30

Pre-departure Tasks (30-60 days before departure from the field)

Submit a Draft for Exit Communication for Donors

Pre-approval is required for the first communication notifying donors that you are exiting your ministry. We want you to include concrete information about your final furlough plans and when their gifts will automatically be turned off. It is important to let partners know if you need funds to cover final expenses. You can encourage them to continue supporting other Reliant workers.

Donors appreciate hearing of your move at least one month beforehand. Please allow Reliant 5 days to review your draft. 

Resource: International Exit Letter Template

Register for Debrief

Exiting international workers are required to complete a debrief program within 3 months of returning to the states. We strongly encourage attending 4-6 weeks after returning. Your ministry may do its own debriefing, but below are some great options to consider

  1. DAR (Debrief and Renewal) program with Missionary Training Institute (www.mti.org) in Colorado.
  2. CIT's (Center for Intercultural Training) Debrief Retreat in North Carolina (https://cit-online.org). 
Re-Entry Counseling

Some international workers will tell you that re-entry can be an even more difficult transition than your initial overseas launch. We strongly recommend all returning workers to complete six sessions of counseling during their re-entry transition. You may choose to start this as you prepare to head home, or wait until you are back in the US. Reach out to the International Team about how to use MTD funds to cover this expense. We are also able to recommend counseling groups that work specifically with cross-cultural workers if you need guidance in that area. See the Solomon page: International Counseling Resources.

Re-Entry Finances (the 2-3 months following your re-entry into the U.S.)

Exiting international workers are allowed to take salary and benefits after exiting the field. This is based on years served:

11 month
22 months
3+3 months

This time is meant for you to re-enter, attend a debrief, meet with your supporters and have the space to plan your next steps. 

You are also able to receive a Re-Entry Allowance for 1 month for every year on the field, up to 6 month's worth.

11 month
22 months
33 months
44 months
55 months
66 months
7+6 months

Touch base with the International Program prior to re-entry to discuss this allowance. Note, funds must be available in your MTD account to receive these allowances.

Discuss Financial Details with International Team

Two months before your final employment date, schedule a time to discuss details that must be finalized before the payroll deadline (16th of the month) before your final employment date.

  1. Back Pay. Outstanding salary may be able to be paid. See Backpay.
  2. Reimbursements. Reliant generally accepts requests for reimbursement of ministry expenses until the end of the second month following the last day of employment. Employees must submit reimbursement forms to reimbursements@reliant.org for these requests to be considered by Reliant. See International Reimbursements

If applicable, financial partners may be informed by the exiting employee in the exit prayer letter that some contributions may be used, among other things, to pay outstanding salary and/or expenses to the terminating employee.

Continuance of Health Coverage

Employees covered by the Reliant group health plan may be eligible under certain conditions for continuing certain health insurance benefits following termination of Reliant employment. Continuation of coverage generally allows certain qualified beneficiaries to continue temporary access to affordable health insurance in situations where they would otherwise lose their employer-provided coverage. For more information regarding the continuation of coverage, visit International Continuance Coverage for Medical Insurance.

Request MTD Fund Transfer 501(c)(3) Transfer

If you believe there may be an account balance remaining in the MTD fund for which you are responsible after your final Reliant paycheck and ministry expenses are paid out, you may submit an Exiting Worker Transfer Request Form. Requests can either be done as a dollar amount or a percentage of available funds. Exiting transfers are subject to Reliant's MTD Fund Transfer. Please check the policy for limitations. 

MTD Transfer Requests must be received by the Employment Services Department (payroll@reliant.org) no later than the 16th day in the month of exit.

Exit Survey

This is a great chance for you to give Reliant feedback to help us continue to improve and serve our workers in new and better ways. It should only take a few minutes to fill out this survey, but it is very valuable to us!

International Exit Survey

Final Roundtable Call

Just like we did a Roundtable call with your sending church before you left, we will have a final Roundtable call with your sending church in the last month of your employment. We want to make sure that you have the support network and resources that you need to successfully navigate this new season of life.

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