There are donors who only give when asked and/or prefer to give irregularly (vs monthly). This type of giving, which is not connected to recurring giving, is labeled as a "One Time" gift by Reliant.
This page shows how to find your donors who prefer to give irregularly so you can invite them into further giving.
Login to Toolbox
Use your Reliant email address and the same password you use on reliant,org.
Navigate to Received Gifts
Filter by Gift Type / One-Time
Once data populates, click the arrow next to "Date" to sort by date.
You now have a list of people who gave special gifts.
Present new giving opportunities.
Now that you've found these special donors, it's time to engage. Some will present new giving opportunities every quarter to this group of special givers. Others wait every 6 months. Find more about this process here:
- End of Year Ask can be a fitting opportunity to engage
May you continue to bring people into this ministry adventure with you by boldly and clearly inviting them to give their finite resources to build an infinite and lasting Kingdom!