Feel free to open the call with pleasantries, then a few minutes after the call's start-time, dive into the around the room report. As a reminder, here are the questions we recommend asking:
Go "around the room" so each person can report on their MTD work (couples can report together). This helps to make sure everyone shares.
- Number of Financial Asks. (Feel free to inquire how it went.)
- Something you’re thankful for in MTD this week
- Something that's working or a question or discussion item for your group → [If they can’t think of anything] What would make this call helpful for you today?
- Action items update - see last week's column on the Action Items Spreadsheet
- Optional: What’s in the way? What are some of the obstacles in your MTD work?
After everyone has given an update, move on to the Q&A portion. You decide what questions to tackle first. Encourage your group to answer each other's questions. This can often be the place where the most insight is gained.
After Q&A, move to this week's strategy skill session: how we follow-up on our End of Year Ask donors through the Thank, Show, Connect, Offer rhythm. FYI: Your cohort might want to focus on the "Thank" portion of this rhythm because that's the season they're currently in - thanking those who gave a special gift at year-end. We wanted to also introduce the full cycle because that's what extends beyond the "thank you" in how to cultivate special-gift donors to give again.
Thank, Show, Connect, Offer
MTD stewardship is the relationship-building and communication that takes place after a ministry gift has been received.
Stewardship involves showing how a donor's giving is making an impact, personally ministering to them, offering new opportunities to give and recognizing their investment with genuine thanks. Generally, this can be accomplished in a THANK, SHOW, CONNECT, OFFER cycle. This ongoing view of MTD leads to a strong and stable support base and only takes about 1-2 hours a week.
At the heart of the THANK, SHOW, CONNECT, OFFER cycle is great spiritual transformation - transformation for both you and the donor. Our intention is for our financial ministry partners to be in a better spiritual condition as a result of interacting with us and giving to the ministry - and we will as well. As we invest wisely and intentionally in the people God has given us, we honor our donors by taking the time to get to know their heart and minister to their need as they minister to ours. Giving to ministry is a chance for us to mutually minister to one another. (More about this in Spirituality of Fundraising by Henri Nouwen.)
> Repeat the process.
Resource Pages
Pages you can send to those you're coaching.
Annual Stewardship Plan & Timeline
Fundamentals for Large Donor Asks