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MTD Goal Worksheet

The MTD Goal worksheet is currently a google sheet used by the individual missionary that is shared with you, the coach. This Worksheet will help both you and the missionary what goals it might take to be done raising support by a specific date. Or to help project based on what weekly goals they're averaging how long it might take them to raise 100% of their goal. It is helpful to remember and remind the missionary that this spreadsheet is just based off of math and that it does not factor in what God can do or will do.

How to best use the Goal worksheet.

To edit this sheet, you'll notice that some of the boxes are blue. These are where you can make changes (or the missionary) to things like Today's date, MTD goal, release date, etc. The other boxes (shown here are #DIV/0!) have built in formulas that calculate out goals based on the information given. This allows you, the coach, to edit in real time as gifts come in and as time goes by. 

MTD Information

This section is where the Missionary will put in their current info (total raised, total goal, desired release date, etc). This will help factor into the formulas later.

Weekly Goals

This section helps lay out the weekly goals a missionary can use to help them take the needed steps towards their goal in the desired time. 

  • Number of connection attempts - number of calls, emails, texts, etc recommended per week
  • Number of responses - How many of those calls, emails, etc we would expect to get a response from in a week
  • Number of appointments - total number of appointments needed per week to reach their goal in the time frame (most common goal focused on by coaches)
  • Number of new partners - How many new reoccurring givers needed in a given week
  • Average giving per week - total dollar amount of gifts needed each week

Using these weekly goals, you can help your missionaries build out a plan/strategy that works for the missionaries other life commitments. Some may need to focus on specific goals such as number of connection attempts to feel like they know exactly what they should be doing. Others focus on number of appointments per week to be able to see the fruits of their labors more quickly. Work with the missionary and figure out what makes sense for them. 

Total Goals

This section is great for long term vision for the missionary. This shows the total number of each thing (appointments, partners, contacts, etc) that they will need based on their goal to get the needed funding. We have found that knowing the end goal, some people can see the bigger picture and are more motivated to get started. 

Contact Goals

This last section is important when missionaries are first starting for them to be able to see how many people they will need to contact in order to raise the needed support. This helps validate the need for asking for connections and can put things into a grander perspective. 

We recommend updating the goal worksheet once a month with the missionary to reset the goals based on their progress. This can be a great moment to help solidify if they are making progress in a good amount of time, or if they need to pick up the pace to meet their idea deadline.  If you would like a visual on how this sheet works, here is a video on goal setting (start around minute 10): https://vimeo.com/manage/videos/416065191/1393acaca0

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