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The following is a Coaching Agreement for use between MTD coaches the fund-raising missionaries, so they communicate well on the expectation of their coaching relationship.  The paragraphs below can be copied & pasted into an email. Then the coach and coachee can review and agree on how they will work together. As a coach, you are free to modify the Agreement to fit your situation. 

This can be referred to at later dates in your coaching relationship. 

Reliant expects  

  • The MTD Coach and New Missionary to be present at coaching times and be timely in communication. 
  • That these coaching appointments are equivalent to face-to-face meetings, which means you are in our "offices", looking at our screens and listening providing full attention to the primary task of MTD and its topics.  In other words, we refrain from giving secondary attention as happens if we are driving, running errands, doing other jobs.  
  • That the coachee also maintains a presence in their Christian community and with the Lord personally for spiritual sustenance and personal accountability. 

As the coach, I will offer before the Lord:  

  • Weekly coaching, in the form of regularly scheduled meetings, to review your MTD progress, and timely communication.  
  • Weekly intercession for you.  
  • To support YOU as YOU seek solutions, perspective, and guidance for the demanding responsibility of support raising.  
  • To do my best to keep in step with Scripture, your local management, and Reliant, and to be accountable to them.  
  • To be both humble and honest with you, especially if I need to say things you might not like to hear. 

As the one being coached, I’m committing to …. 

  • Diligently apply myself to the task of raising support through a team of ministry partners
  • Accomplishing the tasks, actions, and goals we set together to help me reach this end. 
  • To be a learner, willing to receive input, and to be honest as we interact together. 
  • To come with a list of things for you to share to discuss. Including things like 
    • Highs and lows from my week
    • MTD progress 
    • Problems you’ve faced and how you handled them 
    • Advice/ questions about a situation 
    • Strategies you want to develop 
    • Goals you want to set and achieve. 

Here is the link to make a copy of the google form version of the coaching agreement. Coaches remember you can use this as is or feel free to modify it to fit your situation.

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  1. Unknown User (ed.courtney@reliant.org)

    Keva Ambre user-1a794 Here's the MTD Coaching Agreement page.

  2. user-1a794 - I remember you mentioning the items listed for the missionary need to be reduced. I agree. 

    I think #1 & 3 can be combined. 

    #s 5,6 & 8 can probably be combined and replaced with a link to the Tasks for Full-Time MTD page. 

    1. Great ideas Keva. I like simplifying this. (smile)

  3. Hey user-1a794 - the PDF to download on this is different than the Solomon page. I'm going to go ahead and use what's written in the page vs the download. You might want to delete the download or update it. 

  4. Not sure if we're ready to update anything on this page. But, here are my edits from a recent email to a new coaching relationship: 

    Hi (name), 

    Below is the Reliant coaching agreement. I like how it helps set the tone of what you can expect from me in coaching and what I’ll need you to bring to the table. Overall, I’m here as a resource and a guide to help you accomplish your goals.

    Let me know if you have any questions on the agreement below. If not, reply to this email with the words “I agree” as a way to let me know you agree to the coaching relationship as outlined below.

    Reliant expects…  

    • The MTD Coach and Missionary to meet weekly, be present at coaching times and timely in communication. 
    • That these coaching appointments are equivalent to face-to-face meetings, giving full attention. Both parties will have a computer available to take notes or look up information.
    • That the Missionary maintains a presence in their Christian community and with the Lord personally for spiritual sustenance and personal accountability. 

    As the coachI will offer before the Lord:  

    • Weekly coaching, in the form of regularly scheduled meetings, review of your MTD progress, and timely communication.  
    • Weekly intercession for you.  
    • Resources to help you grow proficient in the skills of MTD.
    • To review your PMR and MTD Activity Tracker weekly.
    • To be a resource and a guide to help you accomplish your goals.
    • To do my best to keep in step with Scripture, your local management, and Reliant, and to be accountable to them.  
    • To treat you with respect, honesty and humility.

    As the one being coached, I’m committing to …. 

    • Diligently apply myself to the task of raising support through a team of ministry partners.
    • Do my best to accomplish the tasks, actions, and goals we set together to help me reach this end. 
    • Be a learner, willing to receive input.
    • Be forthcoming and honest as we interact together. 
    • To complete my PMR and MTD Activity Tracker weekly. (See Tasks for Full-Time MTD)
    • To come to our coaching times with a list of things to share or discuss. Including things like 
      • What would make this coaching session helpful for you
      • Obstacles you’re facing
      • Advice/ questions about a situation 
      • Strategies you want to develop 
      • Goals you want to set and achieve

    If agreeable to the above statements, reply to this email with “I agree.”

  5. Keva Ambre Im not fully sure who all uses this now. That would be good to check on first, and then we can update it.

  6. Jenni Saniuk a few more thoughts on updates to this page (you check them out/ comment while I try to discover who uses this page). 

    This is from a business coaching platform: 

    I wonder if we can reword some of this for our framework. I'll give it a shot: 

    • Your coach is here to help keep you accountable to your goals. 
    • Make sure you're moving forward at a steady pace. 
    • Help you get the most out of every MTD phone call you make. 
    • Help you use your MTD time more effectively and avoid mistakes. 
    • Teach you how to build a ministry support team, not just gather donations. 
    • Point you to Christ and His leading. 
  7. Keva Ambre Thanks for working on this. My biggest question for the coaching agreement is who uses it? Currently I'm not sure which program teams use it, but we can certainly make use of it!

  8. We are not currently in a practice of having them agree to the statements, however, we do have it as a resource so they can see what they are agreeing to.

  9. Joshua Dull CJ White Matthew Mott Could you take a sec to let us know if/how you use this page? We want to make a few updates to the wording, but first want to make sure we're not stepping on any toes or disrupting your process. Thank you! 

    1. Karl Koemmpel Do you use this? Please jump in to this conversation as Fixed Term's representative on how this is/isn't/can be used. 

  10. Feel free to make some edits.