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Follow these instructions to request a replacement HSA Debit Card.

If you continue to have issues after trying these steps, please see additional troubleshooting tips at the bottom of this page.

Log on to Highmark

See How to Set Up Your Coverage Account on HighmarkBCBS.com for instructions

Under Coverage, Select "Benefits" 

Select "Health Savings Account"

Then Select "View My Account Details"

This will open a new page.

Select "Debit Cards" under your Profile Name

Hover your mouse over your name in the top-right corner of the screen, and a dropdown list will appear.

Select the card that is green and marked "Active"

Select "Report Lost/Stolen"

This screen will let you order new cards for family members or report a previously issued card lost or stolen.

Follow the prompts to issue a new card:

Contact Highmark for HSA Debit Card issues:

  • Member Service: 1-866-472-0924

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