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During a crisis event, communication can be the next most important tool to quality planning.  The ability to communicate is crucial to collaborative crisis resolution.  Teams who lose communication with headquarters during an emergency can feel lost and alone.  Companies that lose contact with overseas personnel can feel powerless and worry for their personnel.  Accessible lines of communication allow all parties the confidence to resolve the situation efficiently and effectively.

It is Reliant’s policy that all international teams have two different forms of communication available at all times in case of a crisis event. All team members are encouraged to have three different forms of communication available among the team, but are only required to have two available at all times.

The different forms of communication should not operate based on the same system.  For example, having two forms of communication that use cell towers would be improper in the event that cell towers are disabled by the crisis. Reliant will suggest communication devices and will encourage team members to add the expense to their support goals (ministry budgets). Team members are required to maintain the devices and have them accessible in case of a crisis event. If team members cannot establish contact with the International Crisis Management Team during a crisis, they should contact the nearest US Embassy or Consulate for direction and assistance.

Reliant recommendations and requirements for communication devices are determined by the location's International Risk Levels. 

  • Basic threat level: Two forms of communication are required when in place of residence and during travel. Both communication devices need to work where you are traveling and at the destination (ex. foreign Sim card). Reliant highly recommends that you carry two forms of communication at all times. 
  • Moderate threat level: Two forms of communication are required when in place of residence and during all travel outside the place of residence (including local travel). Reliant highly recommends that you carry three forms of communication at all times. 
  • High threat level: Two forms of communication are required to be with you at all times. A third form, which should include a tracking device (satellite phone or non-local utility dependent (not cell/wifi dependent) is required to own and have in place of residence and should be taken with you when traveling. Reliant highly recommended having three forms of communication with you at all times.

In an emergency situation, communication needs to be quick and clear. Specifically, if communication systems are unreliable, there is a benefit to being able to communicate information and directions with the least amount of language possible.  Teams should contact the Reliant International Crisis Hotline or use their approved team group chat app to contact Reliant to report a crisis situation. 

Location tracking devices, such as Garmin InReach devices, are required for all teams traveling to remote locations or to areas without a reliable cell signals (unless restricted by local ordinances). Tracking devices are recommended to be “on” even if not “tracking” at all times while traveling overseas. When at a team meeting space, office, or team member's residence officially, the devices may be powered down, though in the interest of safety it is best to always have the device powered on so long as you can monitor its battery life.

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1 Comment

  1. user-1a794

    Acceptable forms of communication: cell phone; smartwatch with phone capacity; pad or computer with VOIP capacity; land-line phone; satellite phone; radio/walkie-talkie if there is a network to receive communications. 

    Tracking devices - Garmin, tile, satellite phone.