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If this is your first time using the U.S. Expense Submission Form, please take a moment (or 19 minutes) to watch this tutorial video that will walk you through all the details of the form and ensure that you have no hiccups with submission. 

Remember, to fully complete the form, you will need to upload any necessary receipts to a shared Google Folder. Follow the link for instructions and a tutorial video on uploading receipts.

A few items to note: 

  • Remember to be logged into your Reliant email when you are filling out the form. That is your electronic signature to tell us that it is really you who submitted the request.
  • Always use the above link to download a brand-new form for submission. Please do not copy an already submitted form.
  • When you have completed the form, comment and tag reimbursements@reliant.org with the word "Submitted" to let us know the form is ready to be processed.
  • Please fill out all of the information at the top of the form as that information instructs the form to say what types of expenses you are eligible to submit on the lines below.  
  • The month/year drop-down is for the month that the expenses incurred (not today's date)
  • Follow the Reimbursement and Expense Recovery Bonus Standard table to help understand the types of expense categories and related guidelines that will be on the form. 
  • If you do not see an expense category drop-down that describes what you have purchased, you can use the "OTHER" category found in the OTHER MINISTRY EXPENSES portion of the form and the reimbursement team will then review it. 
  • Remember if you have expenses that are for non-employed/non-associate spouses or children you need to separate those expenses and add them on their own line and select "YES" that the expense is for a non-employed/non-associate spouse or children.  
  • The form will know which expenses have taxable components and will enter those in the Expense Recovery Bonus (ERB) column. The total will show you the amounts that are reimbursable and the amounts that will be recovered through an ERB. It will default to adding a 25% additional bonus to cover taxes that will be associated with the ERB. You may choose on the form to opt-out of that additional bonus. 
  • By default, the form may make items taxable that could potentially be considered non-taxable based on the nature of the expense. For example, equipment purchased to be stored and used by the church that has no personal benefit to you will still be listed as taxable on the form. We have added a question under the totals section (right above the green Total Submission line) where you can select "YES" to request a review of your expenses if you believe they may qualify as non-taxable. It will ask you to explain your reason for wanting it to be non-taxable and the reimbursement team will then review the request. 
  • Don't forget to upload receipts over $75. The reimbursement team is no longer accepting emails with receipts forwarded to them as part of the submission process. Please review the instructions on how to upload a receipt to our new submission form. 
  • If you receive an email asking you to make changes to your form, please follow these instructions to reply to the change request. 

When it comes time to make a new submission, remember to never make a copy of a previously submitted form. Always come back to the Solomon page and download a new form. Never edit and try to resubmit an already submitted form. There are many reasons, but one is that it causes confusion for the reimbursement team to know whether or not this is a duplicate submission. Always downloading a new copy from the Solomon page, also ensures that you always receive the most up-to-date copy of the form in case changes have been made to the template.