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We have brand new updated forms! Please take 5 minutes to watch this tutorial video that will walk you through all the details of the form and ensure that you have no hiccups with the download and submission. 

To inform Reliant that your submission is complete (and you have received any approvals that may have been needed as outlined below), you will simply add a comment to the Google sheet to say it has been submitted. After you add your submitted comment to your form this means it has now alerted reimbursements@reliant.org that your form is ready to be reviewed.

  • If your form is being submitted late you will first share it with your supervisor for approval.
  • If your submission is for a project fund you will first share it with an authorized signer of the fund for approval.

Remember, to fully complete the form, you will need to upload any necessary receipts to a shared Google Folder. Follow the link for instructions and a tutorial video on uploading receipts.

Why can't I use my personal or church email to submit my reimbursements?

We understand that many of you already have Google email addresses, whether they are personal addresses, ones through school, or ones through your church. However, to submit reimbursement forms through our Google Drive process, it is required that you submit using your Reliant email address (which is run on Google's systems but has additional features for non-profit organizations like Reliant). 

Using your Reliant email address validates the email address for audit purposes (proving the email was submitted from an email address assigned exclusively to you) and replaces the need for an e-signature.


After you add your "submitted" comment alerting reimbursements that your submission is ready to be reviewed, you may then receive a comment back (which should also result in sending you an email saying a comment was added) saying there are changes that need to be made. At times, corrections or additions will be requested before an expense submission form can be considered received for processing. 

How to Respond to a Change Request
  • When you receive this email with a comment(s) requesting changes be made, click the link in the email to open the Google Expense Submission Sheet that needs attention. You will see the Submission Status on the form saying CHANGES TO BE MADE on this form.
  • Look for this icon at the top of the screen to open the Comments box to see what specific changes are needed. Click on this icon to view all the comments with changes that need to be addressed, as there may be multiple changes needed.

  • Please complete the changes requested and either resolve the google comment (by selecting the check box highlighted below) or reply to the google comment and hit reply to send it which will let Reliant know those specific changes were completed. To avoid confusion in alerting Reliant as to whether all corrections have been completed on your submission, we suggest completing all of the changes at the same time. If, for some reason, you cannot immediately fix what is requested, please leave a reply to that comment letting us know why it was not completed yet, so that we know the status of each change.

  • Once you have completed all changes, close the Google Expense Submission Sheet. Once Reliant reviews the changes, we will then change the status on the expense submission to SUBMITTED. At that point, the submission has been accepted and finalized and no further changes can be made. 

When it comes time to make a new submission, remember to never make a copy of a previously submitted form. Always go back to the Solomon page and download a new form. Never edit and try to resubmit an already submitted form. There are many reasons, but one is that it causes confusion for the reimbursement team to know whether or not this is a duplicate submission. Always downloading a new copy from the Solomon page, also ensures that you always receive the most up-to-date copy of the form in case changes have been made to the template.

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