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  • Be prepared to share about your ministry at any time in person, but use that conversation to set a specific appointment.
  • If possible, set up a specific time and place when meeting with a friend. Although you will probably be more casual, you do not want to be nonchalant.
  • Let them know of your enthusiasm for your new assignment. If you're making a phone call, don't forget to smile while you talk! It really makes a difference!
  • This example still uses a loose filter.

You can use the following script for both a phone call or a text message. If calling someone, we recommend having this script in front of you the first few times to help you remember what to say. And please feel free to tweak these scripts a bit to make them sound more like YOU!


 Hey, Scott! How have you been? (Since you're reaching out to a close relationshipe, they most likely have your number saved in their phone, so you shouldn't have to identify yourself)



 Great. What have you been up to?



Actually, a lot! I am really excited to be reaching out to <students, the neighborhood, etc> through our <Church, church plant, ministry>. I know you know I'm raising support for this ministry, and since you're an important person to me, I'd love for you to hear about what I'm doing and see if the Lord leads us to further ministry partnership. It would also be fun to catch up and see how you're doing and pray with you. Would you let me know if a Zoom call this Friday at 2pm, EDT works for you?



That would be great; when were you thinking?



 My best times are mornings and afternoons, or even lunch. Would sometime in there work well for you?



Are you available for breakfast?



How about Friday breakfast, would say 7am work for you?



 That’ll work. We could meet at the Bob Evan’s north of 270.



 Great, I’m writing it down. Give me a call if something changes. I’ll call you Thursday evening to make sure we’re still on.



 Sounds great.


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