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If you would like to look into these tools, please contact Missionary Resources.  We have certified facilitators that can help your team identify, understand and learn ways to adapt their styles to increase effectiveness.

Constructive Feedback

Verbal & Written Warnings

As mentioned earlier, staff members are employees and have responsibilities for which they are accountable.  One example of these responsibilities is ongoing ministry team development.  Often times, when poor performance or behavior is not addressed, “grace” might be the justification.  However, there are also boundaries and consequences for actions.  The staff member, GCM, the church, and Christ’s reputation is being critiqued by the world constantly.  Donors want to be able to trust that the finances they are giving are being taken seriously and ministry is happening responsibly. 

On those, hopefully rare, occasions where responsibilities are not being handled responsibly, corrective action to guide the staff member back on track may be necessary.  You as their recognized supervisor are responsible and accountable for the staff member’s performance of duties.  Verbal and written warnings are a tool to help staff members get back on track.

Expectation – is it reasonable?

Performance – are they meeting the expectation?

Feedback (next session) – are you praising them for meeting or exceeding expectations or coaching them if they are not?

If they are not meeting the expectation – seek to understand why first – there may be a very good reason or a separate issue that needs to be addressed.  Maybe they have too much on their plate and they need help to re-prioritize or maybe they need a responsibility removed.  Maybe they are being faithful but God is not allowing “success”.  The next question could be “how is the staff member responding to not being ‘successful’”?

Explain the impact of not meeting the expectation.

For example: a staff member, Joe, is consistently late to meetings and appointments.  He misses important details as a result and is sending a message to students that being late is expected and acceptable.  As a supervisor, the first step would be to seek to understand what is happening.  Stating specific examples of behaviors, you might ask, “Joe, I’ve noticed that you are consistently late for meetings and appointments.  You have been 15 minutes late for our last two appointments, and also have shown up for lifegroup 20 minutes late last week and 15 minutes late the week before.  What’s going on?”  (this is a great example of something to keep in a working file – examples of meeting or not meeting expectations).

The staff member should have a chance to respond.  It could be an opportunity for life coaching and character development.  As a supervisor, verbally coaching (and documenting the conversation) is the first step in “managing performance”.  The intent is for the performance to be corrected.  As performance improves, it is also important to praise steps in the right direction, even if it’s gradual such as “I noticed you’re getting to our meetings earlier.  I (your teammates, your students) appreciate it. 

If behavior does not improve, corrective action may be necessary.  If you have provided the expectation, given opportunity for the behavior to be corrected and the behavior continues, it may be necessary to give corrective actions.  Listed below are some guidelines to follow as well as an explanation of the Employee Warning Notice (Appendix C5). 

The level of action taken will depend on severity, impact and frequency of correction.  Reliant does not follow a progressive discipline policy meaning that we do not have to proceed step-by-step.  Depending on the issue, a final warning may be given first if there is sufficient reason.  All warnings, whether verbal or written, should first be discussed with MR prior to being given to the employee and a final copy provided to MR for the Employee file.

  • Date of Warning – it is always important to document dates for employment actions taken.
  • Type of Violation – This is a general description of the problem behavior.
  • Previous Corrective Action, Warnings or Reprimands – if there is a pattern of behavior, it is important to document this.  List out any prior warnings whether they are similar to the current problem behavior or not.
  • Supervisor Statement – this is where a longer explanation of the problem behavior can be given as well as anything discussed with the employee.  Attach extra sheets as necessary.  Always be careful to document facts, not opinions about the facts. If you believe the individual was defensive, what things did the person do or say that led you to believe that.
  • Employee Statement – the employee also has an opportunity to respond in writing.
  • Action Taken – what type of employment action is being taken?  The HR department will work with the supervisor to decide the appropriate action and next steps as well as the consequences if the behavior occurs again
  • Signatures – it is important that all parties sign the document.  If the employee refuses to sign, the supervisor may write such and sign.


“Let us hold fast the confession of our hope without wavering, for He who promised is faithful; and let us consider how to stimulate one another to love and good deeds, not forsaking our own assembling together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another, and all the more, as you see the day drawing near.”  Heb. 10:23-25

All of us need encouragement even when we know we are going in the right direction.  Most people when surveyed say that recognition for a job well done is even more important than monetary compensation. 

Positive feedback is important whether it is for rewarding accomplishments, acknowledging strength, or seeing growth in an area.  It is also important when you have given someone a standard of performance or some type of constructive feedback and you see the person making improvements in those areas. 

For any type of feedback (constructive or positive affirmation) to be most effective, it should be done immediately or as close to the behavior as possible.  It should be specific and it is also helpful if it is linked to the impact.  For example:  “I know you’ve been working on having a servant’s heart.  I know it isn’t easy for you.  I noticed how you served Joe by helping him tear down everything after the event last night.  I really appreciated that.  It encouraged Joe and set a good example for Barry.  Thanks!

Sadly, many individuals share that they do not receive regular and ongoing feedback from their ministry supervisors. 

Missionary Excellence Program

      Writing a Good Appraisal

A well written performance appraisal is important for many reasons.  The annual review provides a summary of the staff member’s performance over the previous year.  (See Appendix C1) There should be no surprises on an annual review – the review is simply a documented summary of things that have been shared with the staff member throughout the year.

Clear and measurable goals should be set at the beginning of each evaluation period.  This means a list of goals including a measurable (whether quantitative or qualitative) outcome.  The Reliant evaluation utilizes a 5-point scale ranging from Exceptional to Unsatisfactory.  A staff member should know what it takes to achieve each of these scores.  For example, in leading a lifegroup, what does it take to meet expectations?  To exceed expectations? 

Goal:  Facilitate a lifegroup, participating weekly in a formal meeting time, meeting with his or her apprentice bi-weekly to discuss how they are doing in the Word, their prayer life and any issues they are having.

Meeting Expectations would mean meeting the measurable goals above but may also include a qualitative description like “having a lifegroup where a core of 2-3 consistently participate in lifegroup, church and serving others, are healthy and growing in reading the Word and prayer, etc.

It is important to write specific examples on the evaluation that support your rating but it is especially important if you are scoring a missionary/pastor below a 3 or higher than a 4.  If they are not meeting expectations, they need to understand why, and if they are exceeding, it is important for consistency with other staff and for specific encouragement that they understand WHAT they are doing well.  (For examples, see Appendix C2)

Here are some descriptions of what each score on the scale might mean:

Exceptional/Role Model (5) – consistently exceeds expectations in all components of the job duty or responsibility.  This person is a role model for others in that specific duty/responsibility and is able to mentor others in this skill or responsibility.  These will probably be areas of giftedness or strong experience areas.  An experienced individual usually will have a handful of 5s at most depending on years of experience.

Commendable/Often Exceeds (4 – 4.5) – frequently exceeds expected performance levels in most components of the job duty/responsibility with above satisfactory work.  The individual doesn’t just fulfill the task or role but does a great job often times either completing the task before it is due, with better than expected results or increased efficiency or effectiveness.

Competent/Fully Meets (3 – 3.5) – solid performance.  Consistently performing at expected levels for all components of the job duty/responsibility in a fully satisfactory way.  This is a good score and means the staff member is doing what you expected within the timeframe given and with good results and effectiveness. 

Needs Development (2-2.5) – below expected performance levels.  Meets most components of the job duty/responsibility, but not all components.  Most work is performed satisfactorily but not all.  This means that the person may be inconsistent in always meeting the expectations of the job and some help may be needed for improvement.  Either they are not meeting expectations consistently within the expected timeframe, with consistent results or consistent effectiveness.

Unsatisfactory/Does Not Meet (below 2) – does not meet expected performance levels.  Meets some of the components of the job duty/responsibility, but does unsatisfactory work in some key areas.  This individual is very inconsistent in the given area, not effective or the duty/responsibility is not getting done.  This should not be the first time the staff member is aware of the issue.  If improvement does not happen very quickly, the individual may be in danger of some type of warning in the future.  If the person has already been on a warning in an area and has still not improved, this may also warrant an “Unsatisfactory”. 

Career Development

Vocational ministry provides opportunities to develop a long-term career path.  Longevity in vocational ministry is more likely if an employee sees development potential.  Some individuals will go on staff with a shorter term in mind, possibly 2-5 years.  Many will desire this to be a longer term career.  One aspect of providing that opportunity is helping them with development.

Reliant offers an Education Reimbursement benefit that allows full-time employees who have been employed for one year or more to reimburse classes related to the job up to $5250 per year as a non-taxable reimbursement (based on guidelines listed in the Employee Handbook).  Many employees take seminary classes to enhance their ministry skills or Bible knowledge. 

Books or seminars may also be tools to help someone grow in their career.  Another idea might be to have someone who is strong in an area “mentor” someone who isn’t.  This can help both individuals in their career development – one with receiving mentorship in an area of need and another in developing the skill of coaching someone in a given area.

The Level Determination mentioned earlier is also a tool that can be used to see what areas an individual might need help in to be able to take on more responsibility. 

Reliant’s current career path consists of the following job levels:

Missionary Intern

Missionary Staff 1

Missionary Staff 2

Missionary Staff 3

Pastor/Minister/Field Manager 1

Pastor/Minister/Field Manager 2

Pastor/Minister 3 or Director

Sr. Director

**(Pastor level requires ordination, Minister level requires commissioning in GCC or Collegiate networks)**

The annual Career Assessment can provide insight into areas a staff member may wish to grow.  Missionary Resources can assist you in developing a “career ministry path” for your staff.