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titleTntconnect Users!

Tntconnect 4.x version and beyond no longer supports the datasync function. As long as long as you don’t upgrade to version 4.x or later (in other words stay at version 3.x), Tntconnect will work just fine and continue to import the datasync files. If you have already updated to a 4.x or beyond you can try to revert to the older version if possible, continue using your current version that can't do the data sync (not recommended), or switch to another database.

Getting started with Tntconnect

Getting started with TntMPD

  1. Visit http://www.tntware.com/tntmpd/downloads/ in a browser of your choice
  2.  Download TntMPDTntconnect
    • You can download any version, but we recommend using the latest non-beta version available. This version should be highlighted on the left column under “Install TntMPD “Install Tntconnect Now!”
  3.  Install and run TntMPDTntconnect.
  4. The TntMPD The Tntconnect first run wizard will guide you through creating your local database and getting TntMPD getting Tntconnect up and running. Follow the steps and refer to the TntWare website if you have any problems
  5. Once you create your database and your personal record, you should be ready to import your GCM data.'ll see a welcome popup [Figure a0]. Click "continue" to finish your initial setup (do not click "Address Input" or "Gift Input".)
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    Figure a0 - Welcome Popup

Importing the Tntconnect

Importing GCM TntMPD

DataSync file 

The GCM TntMPD The Tntconnect DataSync file is the easiest and fastest way to sync all of your donor and gift information in one easy step. Unless you specifically want to update only one of the two, always use the DataSync file.

  1. From Reliant's website click on the “Begin by logging into your GCM Staff account at https://www.gcmstaff.net
    Click on the “Download TntMPD DataSync File” button to download your personal GCM TntMPD ntconnect DataSync file. This file is created the moment you click the button, so it will always have the most up to date data.

  2. If your TntMPD Tntconnect installation was associated with .tntmpd file types, you can simply double click the downloaded file.
    Otherwise, in the TntMPD the Tntconnect program, click on "Tools" (in the top menu bar) and select “Address Address and Gift Import from File,” and browse to your downloaded file [Figure a1].
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    Figure a1 – Address and Gift Input from File

  3. You might be prompted to find the matching country from a drop down. Select the correct option and click “OK” [Figure a2].
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    Figure a2 – Find Country Window

  4. TntMPD will Tntconnect will analyze the DataSync file and present you with a summary view [Figure a3] which highlights the number of contacts that will be added to your TntMPD your Tntconnect database, the gifts associated with those contacts, the total amount of those gifts, and the dates of the oldest and most recent gifts.
    Image Removed.

    Since you are just starting out, you should not have any donors yet in Tntconnect, so make sure the “Try to match new accounts with existing contacts” check box is UNCHECKED. Click "Next" to import your donors.

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    Figure a3 – DataSync Summary

  5. After clicking “Next” on the previous window, you You will have the opportunity to customize which contacts to add to your TntMPD databaseyour Tntconnect database [Figure a4]. By default, all contacts in the DataSync file will be imported. Clicking “Next” on this screen will add all your donors to your contact list.
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    Figure a4 - Add contacts

  6. Once your contacts have been added you'll see Tntconnect analyze your gifts. The next screen gives you the opportunity to customize which gifts will be added to your TntMPD Tntconnect database [Figure a5]. Like contacts, all gifts will be imported by default. Clicking “Next” on this screen will show you . Clicking “Next” to import all of your gifts.
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    Figure a5 - Add gifts

  7.  You will then see a summary of the gifts to be synced [Figure a4a6]. Click on “Sync” to finish adding the gifts.
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    Figure a4 a6 – DataSync Gift Summary
    That’s it, you’re done! 

Importing GCM TntMPD Donor information 

The donor information sync file is used to update your donor contact information with the most up-to-date information on our database. This file will sync your donor information only; gift information will not be updated!
For first time import, we suggest using the DataSync file.

For the most part, the process of importing Donor information is identical to importing a DataSync file.


Begin by logging into your GCM Staff account at
Click on the “Download Donor Data” button to download your personal GCM TntMPD Donor information sync file. This file is created the moment you click the button, so it will always have the most up to date data.
If your TntMPD installation was associated with .tntmpd file types, you can simply double click the downloaded file.
Otherwise, in the TntMPD program, click on Tools (in the top menu bar) and select “Address and Gift Import from File,” and browse to your downloaded file [Figure b1].
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Figure b1 – Address and Gift Input from File
You might be prompted to find the matching country from a drop down. Select the correct option [Figure b2].
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Figure b2 – Find Country Window
TntMPD will analyze the Donor sync file and compare it against the existing contacts in your TntMPD database. You will be presented with a summary screen that shows you the number of new contacts to be imported [figure b3]. Please note that this does not indicate the number of modified accounts, if the number of new accounts is 0, the sync file may still contain updated data for your existing contacts!
If you already have GCM donor information in your TntMPD database, please check the “Try to match new accounts with existing contacts” box [Figure b2] to insure no duplicate contacts are created.
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Figure b3 – Sync File Summary
Pressing “Next,” you will be prompted with a “Confirm Match” window for each new contact [Figure b4]. This window will contain a list of contacts that have information (name, address, etc) to the new contact. If the contact already exists, then select the correct match and press the “Yes” button.
Otherwise, click on “No Match,” and a new record will be created.
If TntMPD cannot find a close match, it will present you with the full list of your contacts to choose from.
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Figure b4 – Confirm Match Window
  • Clicking “Next” on the previous window, you will have the opportunity to customize which contacts to add to your TntMPD database. By default, all contacts in the Donor sync file will be imported. Clicking “Next” on this screen will add all your donors to your contact list.
    That’s it, you’re done!
  • Importing GCM TntMPD Gift information

    The gift information sync file is used to update your MPD data with the most up-to-date information on our database. This file will sync your gift information only; donor information will not be updated!
    For first time import, we suggest using the DataSync file.
    For the most part, the process of importing gift information is identical to importing a DataSync file.

    Begin by logging into your GCM Staff account at
    Click on the “Download Gift Data” button to download your personal GCM TntMPD gift information sync file. This file is created the moment you click the button, so it will always have the most up to date data.
    If your TntMPD installation was associated with .tntmpd file types, you can simply double click the downloaded file.
    Otherwise, in the TntMPD program, click on Tools (in the top menu bar) and select “Address and Gift Import from File,” and browse to your downloaded file [Figure c1].
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    Figure c1 – Address and Gift Input from File
    TntMPD will analyze the Gift sync file and compare it against the existing gifts in your TntMPD database. You will be presented with a summary screen [Figure c2] that shows you the number of gift records in the sync file. Please note that this does not indicate the number of new or modified gifts, but a total number of all gifts in the sync file.
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    Figure c2 – Gift Import Data Summary Screen
    TntMPD will automatically associate the gifts with the donor who gave them.
    Clicking “Next,” TntMPD will scan all the gift records in the sync file and compare them against your local TntMPD database. If it finds no updated gifts and no new gifts, TntMPD will tell you that you have successfully synchronized your gift information [Figure c3].
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    Figure c3 – Successful synchronization
    If TntMPD finds updated gift information while scanning the gift sync file, it will automatically adjust the information and present you with a confirmation dialog [Figure c4].
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    Figure c4 – Updated Gift Information
    And finally, if TntMPD finds new gifts that do not exist in your TntMPD database, it will present you with list of all new gifts to be imported. At this point, you have the option to uncheck any gifts that you do not want to add to your TntMPD database; by default, all new gifts are checked and will be imported.
    Pressing “Next” will give you a summary of what TntMPD is ready to do. It should simply state the number of new gifts it is going to add to your local database [Figure c5].
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    Figure c5 – Gift Import Sync Summary Screen
    Now all you have to do is click on the “Sync” button. TntMPD will add the selected gifts to your local database, and you will be presented with the successful synchronization confirmation box [Figure c3].
    That’s it, you’re done!



    1. Lastly, you'll see a congratulations popup [Figure a7]. Click "ok" and you're done! (The next time you sync follow the "Ongoing Datasync Instructions" as these instructions only apply for your very fist sync)

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      Figure a7 - Congratulations!