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As I mentioned earlier, there is one other way you may be able to help right now. Believe it or not, it actually may help even more than a financial commitment.  For Reliant to be able  In order to put together a strong ministry team, I need to tell our story to literally hundreds of people. I’ve been fortunate enough over the years to know a lot of people but not nearly as many as I need to. So in order for me to have any chance of completing the support raising process and get to the ministry I’ve been called to, I am ENTIRELY dependent on people like yourself and <the person who referred them> to help me achieve this by introducing me to people who share our common concern for reaching people for Christ.

 Pull out pen and paper and begin numbering as you talk.

And really this is one of my favorite parts of the job right now, just meeting new people who are excited about Christ! Knowing the large number of people I need to contact, I generally ask people to think of 10-15 names of people who might be genuinely interested and encouraged to hear about what God is doing in <your ministry> and Reliant.

So just as <person who referred them> thought you might be interested in hearing more about what we are doing in ministry, I want to ask if you would take a few minutes with me to brainstorm people you know who may share a similar interest in what we’re doing. Who do you know that might be interested in what I’ve shared with you today?
 Well, off the top of my head I can’t think of anybody.
Oh of course Bill. I know you haven't been thinking about this all day. A lot of times people like to think of it in terms of different areas of involvement in their life. So at your church are you part of a small group?
Yes we actually are.
Great, are there some people in the small group that have a heart for reaching those that don’t know Christ? And of course, as you’re thinking, I’m not asking you to figure out whether they have the ability to give, but might they have any interest in hearing my story? Because, really, I love to meet with people and share the story of what God is doing whether they can give or not.
Well, off the top of my head in our small group I can think of Bob Jones, Jack and Shirley Smith, and Stephanie Day.
Great, let me make sure I get their names written down correctly: Bob Jones, Jack and Shirley Smith, and Stephanie Day. Thank you. What about at your work? Are you part of a Bible study at work or a group that meets together for prayer at work?
No, we don’t have a Bible study at my office.
Do you belong to any other clubs outside of your church like Christian Business Men’s Association or some other group like that?
Yes, I am part of CBMA.  I believe Jim Long, the president of CBMA, would be a good person to contact.
Great! I know Promise Keepers has been a prominent group here these last few years and one of the things they encourage is to keep in regular contact with others outside of the church. Is there anyone that you would know through Promise Keepers who may share a similar interest?
Actually, yes; I just got back from the conference that was held in Indianapolis. Terry Green and Frank Murphy are two people from that group.
Okay, great. Terry Green and Frank Murphy. Well again, I can’t tell you how much I appreciate all your help and your desire to be part of Reliant’s ministry. Would you happen to have the contact numbers for these people?
Actually, yes; just let me look them up in my cell phone.
 Great and while you are looking those numbers if you see anyone else in your phone that you think I should contact let me know. I know a lot of times people use that as a way to name storm other people.

Bill gives you the numbers...


Thanks again Bill. That is great I am really excited to talk with these people. At the same time, Bill, if I were to call these people, they wouldn’t know who I am. You’re the one who has the relationship with them, and I want to honor that. So if it would make sense for you would you want to go ahead and get in touch with them and let them know I will be calling?
 I don’t think that would be a problem.
Great, whatever way makes the most sense for you. Some people have called before hand others have sent an e-mail or text even a facebook message. I wouldn’t think it would be fair to have you try and explain Reliant’s story. But maybe you could say something like, ‘I was calling to let you know about a friend of mine, <your name>. I’m excited about what he’s doing in ministry with Reliant Mission and his outreach to <location>. I thought you may be interested in hearing more about it. If <your name> gave you a call would you mind taking it?’ And really that’s all you’d have to say. Would that be okay?
 Sure, as long as you write down what you just said, I’d be glad to do it.
Well, great  I can actually just send you an e-mail with that wording.  That way if you just want to copy/paste into an e-mail to your friends all the work will be done for you. After all, they’re your friends, and we want to make sure that relationship is preserved.  Since today is Monday, do you think you’d be able to make contact them by this weekend?
I can’t see why not. I’ll see several of them at our CBMC meeting Wednesday morning and we’re having a church picnic on Saturday.
Well, what if I were to give you a call Sunday evening; would that be too soon to check back with you to see if you’ve had a chance to connect with them?
That would be fine.
 Is there one time that’s better than another?
We’ll be home after dinner time.
Great, sometime around 7 or 7:30 pm I’ll give you a call and find out who you’ve had a chance to talk to. Again, I really appreciate the opportunity to share with you what’s on my heart and to hear all that God’s done through your life. Thanks so much. I look forward to getting in touch again and keeping you informed of all that God is doing through Reliant and my ministry at <location>.
