RATIO OF THREE Consider this example: My support goal with Reliant is $5,000 per month. If I average $50 per month per ministry partner, I will need to have 100 partners, so... I will need to secure 300 appointments. (Average is 1 partner per 3 appointments.) In order for me to secure these appointments, I need to connect with 900 people. (Average is 1 appointment per 3 connections.) This means in order to bring 100 ministry partners onto the team, I’ll need at least 900 people to contact in my database. And for me to talk with that many people, I will have to make about 2,700 connection attempts. (Average is 1 connection per 3 connection attempts.) As you can see, asking for referrals will be imperative to getting fully funded! Help those you meet with understand the importance of being connected to others. Communicate the need Following the Financial Ask, you will have to re-envision the need for help. Talk about how many people you will need to talk to and how you don’t know that many people. "I will likely need to meet with literally hundreds of people..." Make sure to communicate that they can be a big help in solving this problem and meeting your needs here. Pro Tip Pulling out a piece of paper and showing you’re ready to write down names can be a good cue for people that this is important to you. Invite those you meet with to take a few minutes and think through the people they know that you might be able to contact. Start with the “Big Four” categories Within each category, you can get more specific After working through the Big Four categories, return to the list and ask for contact information Pro Tip Get more information on the person, including how they know them, their occupation, and church involvement. This will help you be able to connect more with their family and friends. If time allows, have them put the people they’ve mentioned in order of priority. "If you were me, who would you start with on this list and why?" A great question to get people thinking of names is, "If you were in my position, raising support for this ministry, who are the first three people you would call?" This may help those you meet with think about people who will be passionate about your specific type of ministry and will be more likely to become supporters. When possible, it would be good to involve them in contacting their recommended people. This can take on different approaches, depending on how involved you get them: When you get new contacts, follow up immediately while they are still fresh — ideally within 24 hours to a week Pro Tip Check out the Referral Email Example page for ideas of texts and emails people you meet with can send to referrals on your behalf.Objectives: Getting Connected to Others
Asking to be Connected to Others
Cast Vision
Suggest Categories
Put Them in Your Shoes
Get them Involved
Tips for Getting Connected to Others